Magical Love(Part II)-Severus Snape X Harry's Twin Brother

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Y/N shivered.
The new clothes Snape had given him were barely considered clothes.
They were more like chains to slightly cover his private areas.
Y/N whimpers feeling Snape's soft lips hungrily leave dark hickeys on him.
Suddenly the door burst opened and Y/N's skin went cold as he eyed the dark lord Voldemort...
V:ah this is the Potter boy you were talking about...
Snape glared at Voldemort.
S:not a finger on him or the deal is off...
V:oh Snape...the deals been off since you've fell in love with him...
Y/N's eyes widened.
Y/N:what deal?
S:I promised to keep you if he could leave Harry alone...
Y/N gulps.
Y/N:if it means staying with you then I'll be alright...
V:ah that's where your wrong! I broke the deal...I have my death eaters on a mission at this very second...
Y/N's eyes widened.
Y/N:Snape! Do something! I need to save my brother!
Snape stood still.
Y/N huffs and storms to the garden.
Meanwhile in the Triwizard tournament...
Harry had made it to the final obstacle... Him and Cedric were the only two left and he couldn't get Y/N's betrayal out of his mind.
He ran through the woods with Cedric right next to him.
C:let's touch it at the same time...that way we both win!
H:...okay let's do it!
They both place their hands on the trophy and were transported to a cemetery.
C:where are we...?
There was a rustling and Cedric stands guard.
C:who goes there?!
Suddenly there's a mutter and a green glow shoots out at Cedric.
However instead of the magic colliding with Cedric, there's the sound of a third wand deflecting the spell.
?:thats far enough!
Y/N glares at the deatheaters.
Y/N:Harry get your friend and the trophy and go now!
Y/N:NOW! I'll hold them off...
Harry hoists Cedric's arm over his shoulder and they watch Y/N begin to fight Voldemort's death eaters.
Bellatrix cackled and glared at the boy.
B:what made you change your feelings about Snape?
Y/N:Not my friends you bitch!
There's various spells being cast and lots of deflecting and the last they see is Y/N stumble over a tombstone.
Y/N looks up one last time and makes the trophy touch the boys sending them home.
Back at Hogwarts...
Harry and Cedric both end up on the field.
Everyone from the stands hurries.
?:Harry! What's happened?!
?:is everything alright?!
H:Th-they got him...
Mcgonagall steps forward.
MC:got who?
H:Y-Y/N...he sacrificed save us...
Meanwhile back in the cemetery...
Snape looks everywhere for the young boy when he sees a boy laying on a tomb with a flower in his hand.
Snape picks up Y/N's body.
He feels for a heartbeat and sighs.
Suddenly he sees the flower turn fiery and Y/N slowly start moving.
To Be Continued...
Part 3?

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