Dead Man Walking(Part 17)- Daryl Dixon(TWD)X Male Reader

978 14 1

Y/N and Mikah walk along the train tracks.
Y/N looks over at the girl.
Y/N:hey...let's stop right here...
He sits down by a tree stump and invites her to sit with him.
Y/N:Mikah...its okay to be emotional...
MK:Y/N...I dont want to mourn over her death...she was crazy...she would have killed the both of us to see us as walkers...
Y/N:I understand that...and I dont want you to feel like you need to hold anything in...come here...
He hugs her.
MK:Y/N...I hope you dont mind but...could you possibly adopt me?
Y/N smiled.
Y/N:look around...see any adults?
Y/N:well I'd assume you wouldn't want to adopt I'll gladly be your guardian...
She smiles and rests her head on his shoulder.
They hear snarling and shoot up from their seat.
They see a horde of walkers coming into view.
Y/N motions at Mikah to follow him.
They see the herd heading towards them, however some gunfire takes away their attention and the herd walk forward as opposed to towards Mikah and Y/N.
Y/N:we need to find somewhere safe...I dont like the look of that herd or the look of those climb up...stay up...
Sure enough three survivors make their way around.
?:what a misfit crew...a boy, a sword lady, and an archer?
?:dont get me started on that ring leader dude...
Y/N steps out.
Y/N:please! Help me!
?:woah lady! Are you okay?
Y/N:um...I'm a guy...
?:sorry dont mind Bill...what's your name...
Y/N:Y/N have my husband...
Their eyes slowly widen.
?:we have you outnumbered...
Y/N:that's what you think....
They draw their guns and Y/N puts his hands up.
Mikah shoots one of them in their legs.
They glance up and Y/N tackles the woman.
As the man is about to pull Y/N off, mikah shoots him in the side.
Y/N holds a knife to the womans throat
Y/N:what do you do with them...the people you capture?
?:your only fighting fire with fire....
Y/N:tell me! Dont test me bitch I will cut your ear off and feed it to you!
?:we-we have them in train cars...
Y/N:what do you do after?
Mikah cut him off.
MK:Y/N! We need to go...
She motions at a few walkers.
Y/N looks down at the three.
?:you cant just leave us here like this!
Y/N:the more you scream...the more they come...
Y/N says leaving the three on the floor to be eaten up.
Y/N spots someone cutting up a walker.
Y/N recognizes her just as Mikah runs up to her.
Carol smiles and looks up to see Y/N.
CA:I see you've changed your hair color...
Y/N smirks.
Y/N:eat your heart out harley quinn...
CA:they have our friends!
Y/N:And danny?
CA:all of them...I think...tyreese and judith are inside with one of the guys working for them...
Y/N:what are you doing?
CA:you seen that herd? If they could somehow get would cause the survivors to freak out and hopefully give our people a chance to escape...
Y/N:I'll go with you!
CA:no it's too dangerous...
Y/N:I'm a good shot...besides...a little birdie gave me these...
He holds an army knapsack and its filled with explosives...
CA:where did you get those?
Y/N:long are we leaving or what?
Carol sighs.
CA:fine...but Mikah you stay here! Make sure the guy doesnt try anything...
Mikah nods as they start covering themselves in walker guts.
Y/N rips a sheet from an abandoned bed and he puts it over his clothes.
Soon hes covered in walkers guts and he follows Carol to the sound of gunshots.
Sure enough they came up to a large building with a fence surrounding it.
Y/N led Carol to a clearing where they had a good look of the people trying to take down some of the walkers.
He looks closer to see Rick,Daryl,Glenn and Bob being taken out of a train car.
His breathing hitches seeing his somewhat of an ex husband.
He sighs.
Y/N:Let's do this...
Meanwhile Back At The Shack...
Mikah was looking out the window when Tyreese stood next to her.
MK:why did my sister die...?
Tyreese sighed.
TG:She was a threat to all of us Mikah...she killed...she killed an innocent man who needed a home...I'm sorry for what happened to her...
MK:I'm not mad...she was crazy...she was a threat to everyone...even judith-
Suddenly they hear Judith crying and they turn to see the man's hands around Judith's neck.
Mikah watches as Tyreese pulls out his hammer and he glares at the man.
They hear snarling.
?:go on...the two of you...drop your weapons and go fight the walker...
Mikah looks at Tyreese and they both drop their knives.
Sure enough Tyreese shoves the walker out and there's struggling.
Meanwhile in Terminus...
The men trying to kill Rick and his group were rambling on as one of them had a bat, ready to beat them to death.
Sure enough...the man came behind Glenn and got ready to swing...
There were a few explosions and Gareth immediately got on his walkie talkie trying to page anyone.
Back to the clearing...
Y/N sees the men getting taken away.
C:its now or never...
Y/N nods as he shoots at the tanks and Carol lights the explosives and they throw them.
There's a loud boom as the gates blow open and the people fall over as they try to run.
C:our job is done....let's go!
They head into terminus among the horde.
They watch as people around them are being eaten.
Suddenly there's a man shooting walkers.
Y/N:Cover me...
He goes towards a door and starts shooting them down.
Walkers notice him and he and Carol rush into a building.
In there they see a bunch of guns,watches, and toys.
Carol examines a watch and she turns to leave.
C:you coming?
Y/N was too busy stuffing his bag with guns.
Y/N:In a bit...gotta stock up...
Carol rolls her eyes and heads into the other room.
Y/N stuffs the guns into his bag and he sees the crossbow.
He sighs and slings it over his arm before going over to the watches.
He examines a beautifully diamond encrusted watch...
Y/N:these would have cost me an arm and a leg before the shit went down...
Y/N goes to the toys and sees an adorable little horse stuffed animal.
He smiles as it reminds him of Hershel.
He stuffs a few more things in his pockets before he hears Carol struggling.
He quickly runs in and sees her and an older woman fighting for her gun.
Y/N shoots at the ceiling and she looks up.
Y/N:drop it bitch...
He points it at her and Carol snatches her gun from her
Y/N:our people...those men...where did you take them?
The woman sighs.
?:you could have been one of us...
Y/N glares at her.
Y/N shoots her leg and she screams in pain.
?:next time aim it at my head...
Y/N shakes his head.
C:you take people in and kill them?what the hell is wrong with you...
?:this place used to be safe....then they took over and raped the women and killed our men...we took this place back! You two could have been a part of us!its either your the cattle...or the butcher...
Y/N shakes his head.
Y/N:no...your not here...and neither are we...
They turn and open the door.
Immediately they come face to face with walkers, who pass over them and go towards the screaming woman.
In the train car...
They all felt the explosion.
C:what was that?
AB:I dont know...but we have to be ready for when they come and get us...
They all make some make shift weapons and Carl hugs Danny.
C:Y/N is out there...maybe its him...he did say he'd never leave us...
Danny smiled gently and he got his weapon.
Sure enough Rick flung the door open.
R:Come on!
Everyone jumped out and they started fighting their way out.
Soon enough they escaped Terminus and Rick went to where they hid the guns.
R:you all take the guns...we go along the fences...and we take them out...every last one of them...
G:rick it's over we all got out...
R:there's still people in there...they dont deserve to live...
RO:that place is on fire!
Rick suddenly senses people standing behind him and he turns to see a pink haired male, and Carol.
Y/N smiles as he drops his bags.
The two boys run to the male and he wraps his arms around them hugging them tightly.
Y/N smiles as he hugs maggie and Glenn and then he hugs Michonne and then he hugs Rick.
R:you did this?
Y/N:I cant say...
He says smiling as he hugs Rick.
His eyes fall onto Daryl who steps forward.
Y/N hands him his cross bow and he turns to walk away when Daryl pulls him into a hug.
D:I missed ya' so much...
Y/N sighs as he closes his eyes and rests his head on his shoulder.
A few minutes later...
Carol and Y/N lead the group to the Shack when Tyreese and Mikah walk out, followed by more people...
Y/N:Lia? Liam? Zak?!
Y/N smiles seeing his friends as Rick and Carl see Judith.
Y/N runs to Lia and hugs her first before Zak joins in the hug and soon they part.
Y/N smiles at Liam and he hugs him.
Liam rests his forehead on Y/N's forehead and he doesn't realize the intense stare coming from Daryl as he watches the tall asian male carefully.

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