Survival Of The Fittest-Daryl Dixon(TWD)X Male Reader

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Y/N was nervous as he sat next to Lori as he holds his toddler son watching the other kids play.
L:Calm down Y/N...I think your boy toy will be back any second...
Y/N:I know...sorry it's just...he and Danny are all I have left...
Amy sits down next to Y/N.
A:Well all we can do is wait...
A few hours pass and sure enough a loud noise could be heard,as well as a red car zooming through the woods followed by a truck.
Y/N smiles as he watches Amy run to Andrea crying happy tears.
Danny fusses and tugs on Y/N's sleeve .
Y/N sensed his sons concern for the lack of Merle in the van.
Y/N:I'm not sure where Uncle Merle is...let's just wait for your Papa to come back...
One last person steps out of the van and everyone's eyes widen.
Y/N smiles as he watches Lori and Carl run to Rick.
Y/N walks up to the sheriff.
Y/N:Mr.Grimes...I've heard a lot about you...
R: Please call me do you know who I am...?
Y/N:Well for starters,Lori talks a lot about you...and I was a part time nurse... Word travels like a disease in the break's a miracle...
R: is this your little one?
Y/N:Yeah...he's very shy.
R:Hi there little buddy....does he have a mom...?
Y/N:Actually I'm gay...and his father is-
They turn to see an angry Daryl walking up to the group.
DL:Calm down...Im sure they have an explanation...
T-Dog stepped in.
TD:We handcuffed him to a pole....I dropped the key...
Y/N gasped as Daryl got angrier.
He turned to Rick.
He said getting into Rick's face.
Danny became fussy and Y/N handed him to Amy.
Y/N jumped in between the two men before Daryl could punch Rick.
Y/N:Babe...please calm down...your upsetting our son...
Daryl's eyes widened as he quickly glanced at a whining Danny and then narrowed at Y/N,then to Rick.
Daryl shouted in Y/N's face, then stormed off.
Y/N rolled his eyes.
R:Why'd you stick up for me?
Y/N:Because Merle was always a dick... especially when Daryl announced we were together... But that's whatever... Just give Daryl time...he needs to blow off steam before he can come back and apologize...
AN:How will you know he'll apologize...?
Y/N:Believe me... If he doesn't then he'll definitely be in the dog house...
Rick chuckled and then went back to his wife Lori.
Sure enough Y/N sat down by the shore watching his son being held by Any and he heard footsteps approach.
He looked up and it was Daryl.
D:Babe...I'm sorry for yelling at you...
Y/N:I understand that you're angry and hes your brother...but what's going to solve anything by blowing up at everyone and upset our son?
Daryl muttered a sorry and Y/N gently punched his shoulder.
Y/N:You know I'd never stay mad at you...
He said climbing into Daryl's lap and placing a loving kiss on his lips.
Daryl ran a hand along Y/N's side and over his ass.
D:mm....if i ever turn into a walker...first thing I'm biting into is that juicy ass of yours...
Y/N smirked
Y/N:I think id keep you as my guardian angel...
D:I already am...
He smirked as he hugged Y/N closer.
D:Come on...I want to appreciate my loving husband some private...
Y/N smirked and grabbed his hand as he was being led to their tent.
Y/N moans into his hands feeling Daryl leave dark marks along his neck.
Y/N:sh-shit...Daryl...don't get me pregnant again...
D:Hmm...what if I want to have another little one around?
Y/N:Danny's only 7 months...let's wait a bit more to have kids...
D:That isn't gonna stop me from nutting in that sweet hole of yours...
Y/N:I said don't get me pregnant...not take away my fun...
Y/N said smirking before Daryl practically tackles him wrapping Y/N's legs around his waist.
Y/N moaned into Daryl's mouth as he hungrily shoved his tongue down his throat.
Y/N:mmmmf.....Daryl...please just stick it in already...
Daryl smirked before shoving his entire 11 inch cock deep into Y/N's hole.
Y/N:ah...god just fuck me already...
Daryl smirked and started thrusting at a fast and rough pace.
Y/N could barely contain his moans until Daryl shoved his tongue down his throat again.
Soon enough both men came and they got their son and went to bed.
The next morning Daryl and the guys had went to go find Merle, leaving Y/N to do the laundry with Andrea,Carol,and Jacqui while Amy took the kids to play/clean around the camp.
Shane stood watch as he watched the four joke around and do the laundry.
A:So Y/N...some interesting noises coming from your tent the other night....
J:oooh someone getting lucky!
A:If you don't mind me asking?...who's the bottom?
Y/N:ah...that would be me...
J:so who is Danny's father...?
Y/N:Well both me and Daryl are equally genetically his father...
A:Guys...I miss my vibrator...
The four laugh and Carol chimes in.
C:Me too...
They all laugh and Y/N says.
Y/N:honey my vibrators in the city looking for his brother!
The three women cackled and Ed walked angrily up to Carol.
E:This ain't no comedy club...your supposed to be washing my clothes...
A:Wash them yourself!
E:Maybe I will...Carol...get your stuff...
Carol looked nervously as she sadly got up to obey the abusive man's orders.
A,J,Y/N:Carol don't go...
He roughly grabbed Carol's arm and Jacqui and Andrea fought to pull her away while Y/N grabbed Ed's arm.
Ed shoved Carol back sending the three women falling to the ground and turned to Y/N.
E:your redneck husband isn't here to save you now is he?
He kicks Y/N in his side and Shane quickly comes and tackles him.
SH:If you ever lay a hand on your wife or that little girl or anyone in this goddamn camp! I'll gladly feed your ass to the walkers!
He gets off of him and helps Y/N up.
Time Skip...
Y/N had waited almost all day for the guys to return with Merle...but Daryl stepped out of the car defeated.
Y/N:Is he...?
D:I found his hand...
Y/N:Love you know how he is...maybe he escaped..
Amy passed by with an impressive rack of fish.
Y/N:Amy came prepared...
Amy gave a gentle smile to Daryl as they got ready for dinner.
At dinner everyone was laughing and partying,except for Daryl.
Y/N:Daryl...I know you aren't exactly in the mood for a party ..but why don't you come and eat...
D:Seriously babe? All you care about is partying at a time like this?! My brother can be dead for all I know and you want me to go party with the sheriff who could be the reason he's dead?!
Y/N was silent.
Then he spoke.
Y/N:Well why don't you just stay here moping while I go get our son ready for bed...
Y/N stormed away leaving Daryl alone.
Y/N smiled as Amy led him and Danny to the trailer to let him sleep when...
He grabbed Amy just as a walker went to bite at her arm.
The entire party seen and suddenly they heard loud growls and they immediately fled in all directions
Amy,Y/N,Lori,Carl,Sofia and Danny all huddled near the RV behind Rick as the walkers attacked.
There were so many and Y/N knew they wouldn't all make it out.
Suddenly a walker grabbed Y/N.
Y/N:Agh!Take Danny...
A:Y/N no!
Y/N:Take him!
Amy took Danny just as Y/N grabbed a sharp rock.
It was either he let go and get pounced on near the kids and women,or he get pounced on but protect his son and friends.
Y/N stopped fighting as he grunted trying to stab the Walker in the head.
He felt the Walker go in at his shoulder and heard a:
Everyone turned to see Daryl holding a pistol and he immediately ran to Y/N scooping him up.
D:Y/N please tell me your not bit! I don't know what me or Danny would do without you!
He said frantically.
He suddenly noticed Y/N clutching his shoulder and his eyes widen.
Daryl teared up as Y/N hugged him then everything went black.
To Be Continued...

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