Chapter 33: She's been Kidnapped

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A/N: I made some major edits in the first chapter and it'll be good if you reread it. There's information there that I didn't write at first, read it so you'll not get confused.
Thanks for your time.

How the heck do things like this keep happening to me I thought staring at those familiar pair of eyes as they stared back.

"Sam" he called shock clouding his features.

"H-how, w-when, w-w-what" I stuttered out incoherently but that's just because I was in too much of a state of shock to actually make out any correct sentence.

I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes and counted one to ten so as to calm myself but as you suspected, it didn't work so I decided to go with ripping off the band-aid at lightning speed.

"Trent, what the heck are you doing here, and why did you call one of Italy's strongest mafia leader 'dad'" I asked in one breath which of course led me to panting like I'd just run a marathon. But in my defense finding out that your best friend is related to a mafia group is worse than running a marathon and that's saying something because running isn't my favourite thing to do.

"It's not what you......hey you're here too, and how do you know he's a one of Italy's strongest mafia group huh" he asked sassily an eyebrow raised.

Shoot, I didn't think of that, "Ehh, would you believe me if I said that, strangely, I woke up in Italy and was asking for directions when I got invited in here by this nice man over there" I replied sweetly my fingers pointing at don in reference.

"No I wouldn't, my God that's the most absurd thing I've heard in my life" his words were accompanied with a small chuckle which in return made me smile.

"How about we just sit down and talk about this without freaking out" I suggested my smile still on my face.

He looked at me for a while as if contemplating whether or not to accept my offer. After a while he sighed and motioned for me to follow him.

Neither Don nor Jayden followed us so I'm suspecting that they want to give us privacy which I very much appreciate. At least this could give Jayden more time to convince Don to help us.

Trent led me through a wide hallway with what seemed to be family pictures on either side of the hall.

I stopped in front of a picture that caught my attention and couldn't help but gasp. It was a picture of Trent and his family mug look and all, but what really caught my attention was the gnash on the side of his head.

Back in Boston, Trent had gone on a two weeks trip to visit his 'relatives' but came back with the gnash on his head which although was wrapped with a bandage then still looking lethal. We had asked him were he got it from but he claimed it was a boating accident.

All that remains of the wound now is a disturbing scar that's fading away with time.

Trent who had noticed that I wasn't following him made his way back to me stopping right behind me.

"This was not a boating accident was it" I asked my voice merely above a whisper.

Trent rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before finally looking up to meet my eye, shaking his head in reply to my question he took a deep breath before finally giving me an explanation.

"My dad signed a contract with the leader of a small gang. The contract was to help them become larger and stronger while in return they give us information about our rival mafia group but they double crossed us. When we went to confront them, it got a little out of hand and I ended of having a knife graze the side of my head"

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