Chapter 7: The Unexpected

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Picture of Louis above. He isn't in the cast because I added him here kind of on impulse. I didn't think of him at first.

What is that annoying sound, I grumbled, half asleep. It had been going on for the past ten minutes and anytime I started to drift back into unconsciousness, it pulled me right back out, which was starting to piss me off.

With a loud groan I lazily got up and dragged myself to where the sound was coming from. It landed me in front of my man sized window and when I lifted up my curtains I saw the most absurd and ridiculous thing a teenager should ever wake up to in the morning.

I was woken up on a Sunday morning, at the very ungodly hour of seven am, by a freaking bird. I mean a wood pecker was literally at it, with my window.

I dragged my hands down my face contemplating whether to scream or kill the freaking bird.

I decided against the former because I'd probably get arrested for disturbing the sleeping people in my neighborhood, and I knew how that felt thanks to this bird. Besides, the later will keep this bird away from my window for good. I can't risk waking up at more ungodly hours.

With that thought stamped in my brain, I opened my window and launched myself at the bird missing it by a whole lot, and landing on my butt in my own balcony.

I got disgraced by a bird in my balcony. "Come back hear you demonic bird," I yelled at the flying creature, that was already far away from my house.

"I said come back here and face me like a man bird, or lady bird, whichever gender you are," I continued, swinging my fists in the air.

"Sweetie is everything alright back there," I heard my mom voice say, and she sounded worried.

"Yeah Sam, you sound like you need a brain check," Ben snickered.

Crap, I forgot that I lived with people. I think some of Alisa's craziness is rubbing off on me.

When I disclosed to her how much I thought an asylum would suit her, she defended herself with the claim that the way she acted, was as a result of her black genes. She was a half Dominican, half New Yorker, and a —mostly self-proclaimed— full on black. Black and proud she liked to state to anybody who dared look at her funny.

Her confidence made her low-key my role model, not that I'd ever let her find out that piece of information. Infact, I plan to take it with me to my grave.

"Everything is fantastic mom. I'm just spending quality time with nature over here, nothing for you to worry about," I finally replied, hoping to God that she dropped the subject. My easily embarrassed self wouldn't be able to take much more, even if she's my mom, and this was my home. It was just how things worked with me.

"See, she does need a brain check," my brother prentended to whisper, even though he knew I could hear him loud and clear.

"We'll see who needs a brain check when I'm done with you," I finally snap, swinging my bedroom door open, and chasing after the asswipe that was my sibling.

"Mom, Sam wants to murder me!" he exclaimed, hiding behind my mom. A pretentious pout on his trembling lower lip, even a toddler could see through his victim facade.

"Sammy, leave your brother alone," my mom chided, causing me to stare at her in disbelief.

Apparently my couldn't.

"But he said I needed a brain check, isn't there something wrong with that?" I asked, crossing my arms and glaring at my brother who was still behind her. He returned the favour by sticking his tongue out at me, making sure my mom didn't catch the exchange. That sneaky little rat.

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