Chapter 1: Taking a Leap

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A/N: thank you for attempting the first chapter, I hope you like it.

And your journey with me begins🎉


"Samantha Isabelle Hamilton you better be ready because our flight leaves in an hour," my mom yelled which was accompanied by shuffling probably her trying to organize her luggage for the flight.

"Ok Mom," I yelled back before returning my attention to the full length mirror I had been making use of.

I flipped my unruly dark brown hair out of my eyes in annoyance. This happens a lot due to how long my somewhat curly hair is, not to mention the fact that I have a really full hair.
Most of the time, I don't really mind the disturbance if it means covering my freakishly large crystal blue eyes from the world. Some people think large eyes are cute but I think mine are just plain weird.
I got up from the stool I had been sitting on to my full height of 5'6. I'm really thankful that I'm not classified as short, if not that would've been an extra problem to my already problematic life.

After my last over the top anxiety display, my family and I were forced to move to a new state.

Moving to place as interesting as New York City may seem cool and all but I still liked it here in Casnovia. Casnovia-Michigan, may not be remotely as popular as New York, but it still holds a lot of fun memories and leaving it feels like leaving a part of me behind.

In contrast to popular belief, I am a living and breathing seventeen year old girl with only two friends. I smiled lightly as Nora's shoulder length green hair flashed through my mind her onyx eyes twinkling at me as a result of too much laughter.

I can't help but wonder what colour she'll dye her hair to in the next two months. Normally, she'll let me pick whichever colour I wanted but with me being on another side of America, I don't know how that'll happen.

Trent has always been very impressed with how easily beautiful Nora could look with her hair in any colour. His Italian features made it difficult for him to look good with anything other than his pitch black hair.
The one time he dyed his hair blonde, not only did he look anything other than Italian, his hair also started falling off in bits. He had to apply a nose wrenching Italian hair cream to stop the breakage. I still gag anytime I'm reminded of the hair cream.

I spent the last two days bonding with Nora and Trent in our favourite spots in Casnovia. After the send off party they had surprised me with yesterday, I had cried myself to sleep because of how much I knew I would miss them.

My anxiety disorder is pretty much what led to my inability to make a lot of friends, trust me it's a problem when you can't get one sentence out without hyperventilating.

Due to the above stated fact, I had established a really strong bond with Nora and Trent. It wasn't hard for me to do that since they were the only ones who were nice enough to accept me for....well me.

Leaving them is going to etch a permanent hole in my heart but after what happened, I have no choice but to leave.

Like the considerate friends they were, they understood and supported me on my decision to leave. We promised to always call and video chat but I knew it wouldn't be the same.

"Sam we're leaving," my dad called steering me out of my depressing thoughts.
"Coming," I hollered before grabbing the rest of my things and exiting my room.

I looked at my room one last time seeing my past memories both good and bad flash before me. Let's just say one really bad one gave me the courage I needed to take the next step in my life.

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