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Sam's POV

The sunlight streaming into my room is the only source of life in it. The room looked dead and so did it owner.

The only thing giving life to this room is Aaron's occasional bark, or should I say yelp. The sound he makes is too adorable to be called a bark. The poor puppy has been neglected a lot already and my shitty mood is just adding to it.

I get up and go to the bathroom knowing that I have an hour before my classes start. What day of the week is, oh well it doesn't matter, it's not like I care anyways.

To be honest, not much matters to me anymore, the world has been moving but I requested to be left behind. Besides, I'm homeschooled now, what do I need the day of the week for when the only human contact I have is with my family.

My friends have been trying to get me to come back to school but their efforts proved pointless. There is nothing left for me in Kings and Queens academy. There is absolutely nothing. Not with Jayden gone and my secret out in the open.

I tried really hard to ignore the judgemental stares coming at me for a week but a week is only how far I could go.

I'll like to blame every single bad deed going on in my life on Jayden but that'll just be cruel. Looking at it from a realistic angle, Jayden did nothing to me. Everything that happened was all on me, I was the one who just had to go and fall too deeply for him.

Him leaving New York was just his way of showing me that he didn't reciprocate my feelings, a hurtful way, but the choices were his.

Now all I have to do is to pull through senior year successfully so I can dump this part of my life behind me.

College is going to be a whole new look on me and no flaming bastard is going to ruin it.

I don't know how many times I'm going to have to start over before my life finally finds it's track but you can be rest assured that I'll do whatever it takes.

There's a knock on my snapping me out of my thoughts, "sweetie breakfast is ready, come down soon ok," my mom delicately says like she's afraid if she speaks too loud, I'll be up and running.

My family and friends have been treating me like a porcelain doll and it has gotten on my nerves. That's one of the reasons I wanted to be homeschooled, I didn't need all of those pitiful expressions they kept sending my way.

I pity myself, that's more than enough pity to handle. My therapist whom I have been visiting consistently is one of the main reasons my parents listened to my idea about being homeschooled.

Therapists are not the most comfortable people to be around but Mrs Smith and her cheery personality makes it easy for me to be around her. She doesn't pry into my personal life and doesn't force me to answer questions I'm not obliged to answer.

I trudge down the stairs in my hoodie and sweatpants, my fashion sense is completely down the drain, pardon, and greet my family.

Ben is already dressed for school and so I try as much as possible to ignore that part of me that misses having fun with my friends. This is all for the best I tell myself repeating the mantra over and over again so I can finally will myself to believe it.

Food has been my main comfort through this horrible days but I try not to overeat and also exercise once in a while. Despite the fact that I'm in a mini state of depression, if you can call it that, it's more of a heartbreak if anything, I still don't want to loose my figure because gaining that shit back will be a ton of stress after it's already been ruined.

"So how are your lessons going?" my dad questions as I shovel pancakes into my mouth.

"Great," I reply giving him a thumbs up and it's relieving to know I'm not lying to him. I've been putting a lot of effort into studying so that I can get into a good University. On the other hand, studying is a nice distraction from, everything.

"So we got some tickets to see a crappy science fiction movie, you down for it?" Ben asks and I can't help but smile. In their own silly ways, my family has also been a big help on my path to recovery.

"Sure, the crappier the better," I respond and they all laugh.

Breakfast continues in silence but it's a one filled with content.
I watch as my family leave the house to start their days activities and a warmth shoots through me.

I'm lucky aren't I, I've been gifted a wonderful family that won't stop fighting for me.

I won't stop fighting for myself either, maybe I don't need Jayden, maybe I'll survive without my friends.

My path to recovery will be long and filled with obstacles, but with my family beside me, I'm positive that I can make it.

This is the price I have to pay for falling in love and letting it destroy me.

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