Chapter 18: Part 1: MIA

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Sam's POV

It's been exactly two weeks and three days since Jayden went MIA on us.
Blake and Cole have been sitting with us ever since he disappeared. Everyday we sit at lunch hoping that he'll just show up and have a reasonable excuse as to why he almost gave his family a heart attack.

The school doesn't know he's missing though, his parents made up some excuse to cover for him because apparently he left them a letter.

The Rivers Jayden's family that is said this isn't the first time he has disappeared but this is the longest he has stayed. Cole and Blake also knew about his usual disappearances but this is the only one he didn't tell them about.

The fact that the letter he left for his family stated that he would be back in two weeks time and it was presently two weeks and three days had everyone on the edge.

Mrs Rivers said that if he wasn't back by the end of the week she was going to inform the police and send out a search party for him.

Everyone of Jayden's friends and my friends has been sullen. We were the only ones who knew but I'm sure smart enough people could figure out that there was something wrong after all Jayden's best friends were sitting with us and Jayden himself was absent.

Surprisingly Cole seemed to be the one really affected by Jayden's disappearance. We could all have it as bad as him but only his was as clear as day. He was being his usual goofy self and his usual happy demeanor was replaced by sadness.

Despite ourselves, we tried cheering him up but nothing we tried was working so we left him be.
Today when we arrived at school and there was still no Jayden we silently walked together to our different classes. Even though we wouldn't admit it, we needed each other for comfort.

Jayden's POV

I was beginning to get worried about my family. Worried not because anything bad will happen to them but worried about what they'll do or have already done since I wasn't back at the time I stated in the letter I left for them.

I needed to send a message to them and fast. It would be really stupid if they sent out a search party for me and I really won't put it past my mom.

But I knew that if I sent the message to my mom, she'll track it even if I plead with her not to.

Blake was the only one I could trust not to come and find me. He was really smart and when he put two and two together he'll probably figure out that this has to do with the thing I've always refused to tell them.

But the thing is no matter how hard his demeanor was he had a breaking point but is I have to risk it. I really have to reassure them that I'm alright and will hopefully be back soon.

So I sent Blake a message, hopefully it'll reduce their worries because I can't really say they'll stop worrying completely. I'll use my original cell phone, the one I used back at New York and not the one my father ordered me to use for the business.

That way, since I haven't used my actual phone since I got here it'll be difficult for them to track me.
My letter to Blake went this way.

Hey Blake
      Dude I'm probably the biggest asshole in the planet for asking you for a favour and still not confiding my problem in you but I still need your help. Convince my family that I'm fine but make sure they try to track me down. You and both know that despite being a really big idiot, I never want my family or friends to get hurt so you have to trust me on this one. I can't tell you guys what's wrong because I have to protect you. I hope you understand.
                                 Your brother from                                
                                 another mother,                         

Typical boys letter right, I mean no affection in it or anything but it's has to be that way so that I'm not tempted to tell them anything and hopefully they'll classify this whole thing as part of my rebellious phase though I highly doubtful that.

Blake's POV

I looked at my history teacher blabber about something I didn't care about as my mind slipped into oblivion. I stared at the clock but not really looking at as my thoughts jumbled in my mind.

Something is wrong with Jayden but he won't tell us what and it was driving me crazy. I'm hundred percent sure it has to do with him going MIA on us.

Ever since his dad had told us about Bianca's death in a car accident, he had been acting wierd. I've tried to figure it out myself but he was being especially careful about the whole thing and wasn't letting on any slight hints.

I continued to ponder on my thoughts when the soft Bing of my phone startled me out of my thoughts. I wanted to ignore it as I wasn't in the mood for any slut stalker who had gotten my number from somewhere.

I later gave into the urge to open the message because apparently I still had some sort of hope.

It looked at the message and couldn't believe my eyes. It was a message from Jayden. Holy shit I can't believe it he sent me a message.

I read the message once, twice, thrice till I had basically crammed the whole thing. I had sent us a message to reassure us that he was still alive and ok and many people needed that reassurance now.

I stared at the clock this time actually seeing it. Five minutes more yet those five minutes felt like years. I was so close to snapping when the bell rang and I literally sprinted out of the class.

I waited with jittery nerves for everyone to arrive before I showed them the message. The look of relief that crossed each of their faces had me wondering if Jayden couldn't have sent the letter any earlier.

Sam's POV

When Blake showed us the letter Jayden had sent to him, I was relieved but still angry at him for making everyone worry so much.

He was being an inconsiderate jerk and no matter how true I believed that, it still nagged me at the back of my head that maybe just maybe he was doing what he thought was right and wasn't really as inconsiderate as I'm claiming he is.

We called Mr and Mrs Rivers over to school to showed them the message. They didn't waist a second before they were in their cars and driving to our school.

We were all excused to talk to them though that gave us attention and to be honest, right now it didn't bother me. There were more pressing matters and it seemed like my panic attack was well aware of that because it didn't let any of the stares bother me.

When we showed Lily and Brandon the letter, they were relieved. It's like we were all thinking the worst had happened to them.

Lily tried to talk Blake into letting her track him but Blake didn't budge.
He said he couldn't back down on a promise he had made, and trusted Jayden enough to know that he was making the right decision.

Despite the fact that I hated him, I mean even though it wasn't working I was still desperately trying to hate him. And despite that, I still kind of trusted Jayden enough to make the right decision.

Under all his coldness and rebellious attitude, I knew there was something else. Something I was desperate to find. You may ask why and I'll tell you that I don't know, but my heart knew the reason.

And to think it was just one kiss but really, Jayden Rivers had finally managed to break me.

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Thanks for reading and see y'all in part two of this chapter,
Love y'all.

Too much POV's and I apologise for that, it kinda had to be done this way.

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