Chapter 10: Cocky Bastards

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I woke to my phone blasting out my alarm's tone. I couldn't even remember setting it. I tried to ignore it so I could go back asleep but the damn thing wouldn't shut up. I walked grudgingly to my desk were my phone was situated looking all sorts of comfy, and hit the snooze button.

My memory is usually trash in the morning but today I couldn't help the feeling that settled in my gut like a brick. I was forgetting something, and considering what exactly it was that I was forgetting, it didn't take long to remember.

Slowly the events of last night hit me till I felt like I couldn't breathe. I remember seeing those guys who looked like they were on the wrong side of the law. Ugh, one day I'll get myself killed because of how nosy I am.

I wander how I even got in my bed. Last thing I remember was that rider guy knocking me out with chloroform after threatening to kill my family if I snitched. Something else is bordering me though I thought aloud.

My eyes roamed around my room and finally stopped in front of my calendar. Circled in red was today's date, the fund raiser day and I had approximately twenty minutes to get dressed and be at Louis's house.

This are times I wish I have super powers. Anyways I'll make do with what I have now. I showered and got dressed under thirteen minutes, grabbed a breakfast bar and practically flew to Louis's house going over the speed limit by a lot.

Luckily I wasn't pulled over if not that would've made things a tad bit complicated, who am I kidding a whole lot complicated. I'm not prepared to go to jail just yet, I thought with a sigh as I pulled up into Louis's driveway with one minute to spare.

Like expected they were all pacing about waiting for me.

"Hey guys," I greeted sheepishly.

"What the heck woman, what took you so long?" Louis's exclaimed, visibly shaking.

"Uhhh," I stammered, not really sure what was a suitable answer to his question.

At my utter idiocy, Louis rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated breath right after.

"You guys, I was just a few hours late, it isn't that big of a deal," I huffed accompanying it with a shrug.

"Not that big of a deal, Sam we thought you'd been kidnapped," Jody wailed dramatically.

"Jody's right, not the kidnapping part obviously," Alisa said with an eye roll, "but you're never late, anything wrong?" she asked soothingly, her expression one of reassurance.

I thought back to what happened yesterday and shook my head grimly, but quickly fixed my expression so they didn't think something was off.

"I'm alright guys, now come on we're going to be late for yet another wonderful day of school." I said this with a heavy British accent that accentuated my sarcasm, causing my friends to burst out laughing.

They laughed most of the way to our school.

After a lot zoning out and impatience, the bell went and we all raced to the auditorium. Even though most of us weren't interested in the fund raising, me for instance, I'd still never pass up an opportunity to skip school.

I went in and saw that Alisa and Louis had already booked a booth for us.
Our auditorium was large enough to house various booths so space wasn't much of a problem.

When we had all arrived, we set our things in the booth in a position where we could see everything happening in the auditorium. The first activity was the talent show and the next and last was the auction, the bake sale just kind of fitted in between.

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