Chapter 3: Protein Shake

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Finally snapping out of my daze, I started to apologize profusely.
But sadly for me though, my apology only seemed to rile him up the more.
He was breathing deeply which showed by his harsh breaths and the heaving of his chest.

I took that as a sign to shut up and, just stared blankly at him. I know what you're all thinking, atta girl, you haven't lost your composure yet. Well let me tell I'm seconds away from losing it.

The silence was killing me, I wanted him to talk. And then he did, not that his words made me feel any better though.

"Sorry! That's all you've got to say after spilling your fucking coffee on me. Dammit the stupid coffee was hot, and you also ruined my favourite shirt," he said, staring at his shirt with mixed feelings.

But hold on a second, he's wearing a plain white tee, how is that his favourite shirt.

His words kept ringing in my ears with that sultry voice of his. Add that to his looks, and I'm pretty sure he's a babe magnet. Wait what the heck, I'm about to lose my head and this is what is going on in it.

But really I apologized, what else did he want from me. I realized I had been quiet for too long. I gulped and looked back up at him.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't see you coming because I had my head down, if I had seen you, I would have totally gone out of your way," I told widening my eyes to show him how sincere I was. At least that's what I thought I was doing, I probably look like a dog and not those cute kinds.

I looked around and oh boy I shouldn't have done that. We had a very big audience with the girls ogling and the boys finding the situation amusing.

Christ, just how popular was this guy. I willed myself not to freak out because of the ever growing crowd, embarrassing myself on my first day wasn't on my agenda, still isn't.

I wasn't sure how long my anxiety could handle the attention, before making itself know. I tried to focus on my breathing exercises, doing it just the way my therapist in Casnova thought me to.

Just when I thought he couldn't get any angrier, he noticed the crowd around us and was literally fuming. I mean if this was a cartoon he'd probably have fire shooting out of his ears. Maybe it wasn't me, he could be having a bad, and I might've just added to it a teensy bit.

Nevertheless, he was making me doubt that I was going to survive this encounter. In that case, I just want to say, mum, dad, Ben, Nora, and Trent, I love you guys and I'll miss you so much. I closed my eyes and awaited my oncoming death.

When nothing happened I peeked through one eye just in time to see him taking of his shirt.

What the? I was probably a blushing mess now though I tried to hide it with my hair. His body was perfect just like the rest of him, apart from his attitude that is.

"Wash it," he said flinging the shirt at me with me barely catching it in time, and with that he sauntered off, the crowd dispersing along with him.

My heart was still beating frantically and I tried my best to return it to it's normal state. Just then the bell rang startling me and I probably leaped 10ft in the air.

Luckily no one was paying attention to me as they were all scrambling to get to their classes in time which I probably should be doing but the thing is I don't know how to get there. Just when I thought my luck was completely shitty.

A petite blonde with grey eyes who had probably sensed my desperation and cared enough to inquire stopped in front of me. She looked up at me expectantly with a slight hint of irritation but I don't blame her who wouldn't be I'll probably make her late to her class at this rate.

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