Chapter 27: Logan Malcolm

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There he sat on an old rocking chair, his blond hair sweeping past his eyes due to the wind outside. His front porch had a shady look to it making him and the cigarette in between his lips blend perfectly.

Apart from the front porch which seemed to always manage to portray his personality, the rest of the house was quite the opposite of the blue eyed man who owned it.

The bungalow was an angelic white colour and paired with the well trimmed assortment of flowers in front of the house, the house looked like any regular sweet looking family house. Only it wasn't.

Logan Malcolm was unconsciously making it a habit of smoking and drinking his problems away on his front porch. It wasn't that he didn't smoke or drink before, it's just that he never did it on his front porch.

The cool breeze blew past him and he sighed in relief wondering why he never did this before. Even though he knew he was at the risk of getting caught by his neighbours, he just couldn't give up the relaxing feeling this porch brought to him.

He inhaled deeply from his cancer stick, thinking about how great his life was back then. Don't get him wrong, his life's still great but sometimes he just can't help but feel lonely.

With his mother who died while giving birth to him and his dad who died in an accident sixteen years later, he has been his only family. Except you count his grandma who is currently in a home for old people and trust me he isn't counting her.

Logan's twenty year old self had learnt to be independent at the young age of sixteen which is really sad. But then he considers himself quite lucky due to the fact that both his parents were rich and left him enough money to last him for most of his life.

Still he wasn't satisfied, he felt sort of lonely and was in desperate need of some 'friends', people who would love him regardless of the fact that he was an orphan, people who didn't come into his life just because he was incredibly handsome and rich.

Sadly he found does friends in the wrong crowd and the blatant truth is that he does not regret a thing. He loved the thrill his friends used to give him, he still does.

That is why when he saw the name of a very old friend of his flash through the caller ID, a smirk graced his slim pink lips and he waisted no time in answering the call.

"Hey fox" he said chuckling although he could feel the adrenaline begin to pump in him.

"Malcolm, it's good to hear from you again. It's been what six months, anyways, I have a job for you" the guy whom Logan addressed as fox said.

Logan couldn't help but chuckle, fox hadn't changed a bit. He was still straight forward and as blunt as ever.

"What can I help you with fox, you know I'm always at your service" Logan said his heart thumping at the thought of another mission.

"Good to hear that you're still loyal to me. And don't worry, your job is easy, at least for now. It can get bloody later so I'm not making promises"

"I'm ready for anything fox, just state it"

"So Malcolm, what do you say about going to highschool again"

"I'm not really keen on re-living that part of my life fox. I'm sure it's no secret to you that I hate school most especially highschool"

"I know son, that's why this job is perfect for you. You get to go back to highschool again but this time with much more knowledge you'll be the king"

"I'm twenty fox, there's no way I'd pass for a highschool student"

"Of course you will Malcolm, all you need is a fake passport and a beard free face and you'll fit in just fine. You know nobody can really tell the difference between teenagers and young adults this days"

"You have a point fox, so I'm guessing you'll be sending the fake certificates and every other thing I need for this mission soon"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I've already registered you so you're starting highschool tomorrow, everything has been arranged so all you need to do is act eighteen"

"Fox you've always been a really cunning man so it doesn't surprise me that you were able to do all this within a short period. But I have a question though, why me, there are much younger people you can get to this work for you"

"That's the thing Malcolm, I need someone older, besides I trust you more than most people and you should consider that a privilege"

I chuckled, he has always been full of himself, "of course fox, I feel highly honoured at having gained your trust" I said although you could hear the sacarsm laced in my words.

Fox just laughed it off since he was used to my sarcastic nature.

"The documents on what you have to do will arrive later tonight but allow me to brief you a little on what you'll be doing"

"I'm all ears fox"

"Good, so you're going to befriend a particular group of people for me. I don't care about how you do it but make them trust you enough to spill their secrets to you"

"You know that's going to be difficult right"

"I do, that's why I came up with a better plan. Use one of the girls to get to them, work your charm and make her fall for you, then get the secret out of her"

"Using girls!, a favourite hobby of mine fox. And no need to worry, I still got my charm intact. I'll have whoever the poor victim is at my knees before she even realizes it"

"That's my boy, I knew I could trust you with this. Just don't disappoint me Malcolm, you know how that ends"

"I can never forget how strict you are fox, I've never failed you before and I won't start now"

"I'm glad we're seeing things my way Malcolm. The package is on its way, so see you around son"

"Copy that, fox" Logan said smirking and you could hear Fox's gruff chuckles from the background.

"Oh and Malcolm, have fun at highschool" he said before cutting the call.

'Oh I will fox, I'll make sure my second time at highschool will be so worth it' Logan thought smirking. No one will be walking all over him this time, no, infact it'll be quite the opposite.

Logan's messed up brain was already fantasizing about the opportunity for revenge, it wouldn't be on the same people but again it's not like he cares.

With a smirk on his lip, he stumped on his cigarette before making his way back into his house.

Highschool here I come again, and this time, I'm coming in gooood.

So what do you guys think of this chapter, I know you'll be a little bit confused but that's because this is more like a filler chapter. You'll understand everything soon.

Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter, don't forget to vote, and comment your opinions.

Oh and what do you guys think of my new cover (it's bad, I know) that's why I'm asking that if you know any cover maker/cover shop or if you can make one yourself, I'll really appreciate if you could tell me.

Love y'all 🥰

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