Chapter 44: Part 2: Gunshots

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"Do you hear footsteps?" Louis questions making Jayden stop and listen intently.

"From the looks of it we're going to be meeting two people, one of them has lighter footsteps so it's probably a lady" Jayden responds ready to burst through the wall once they are within sight.

"You're going to stay here while I check them out okay. If I look like I need your help, you'll help from behind this wall got it?" Jayden orders firmly not giving Louis room to argue but he tries to argue anyway.

"But what if I........" Louis was saying but Jayden cuts him off.

"I said, got it?" Jayden questions lowly and so Louis did not have any choice but to nod frantically in response.
He didn't want to take the risk of unleashing Jayden's wrath on him.

Once Jayden is sure that they're in the room, he makes his appearance just about ready to shoot whoever his unlucky guests are.

His eyes widens when he catches sight of the people in front of his. Sam all battered and bruised is being dragged by his lunatic of a father his hands gripping her arms in what looked like a very painful hold.

"Oh look, we don't even need to look for him, he found us" Roderick says making Jayden realize that his presence hadn't gone unnoticed.

Sam's head snapped up at the sound of Roderick's voice and for a second there, all either of them could was to stare at each other.

Jayden let his eyes trail down her battered body feeling himself tense at the sight of her injuries.

"Nice of you to finally join us Son, we've been waiting" Roderick says making him take his eyes away from Sam. Jayden could feel anger begin to cloud his thoughts but he knew he had to be rational if he was going to beat Roderick.

"I hope you came prepared though because things are about to get even more fun" he states a crazed look taking over his features.

Louis shivers from his hiding position behind the wall and he isn't even the one who the look is directed too.

He has to admit, Roderick is scarier than he anticipated. The man has been giving him goosebumps ever since he stepped into the room and he hasn't even had a proper conversation with him yet.

Louis has no plan in motion and even if he does he doubts it'll work. He decides to just hide behind the wall till their actually in trouble before making his appearance.

"What did you do to her" Jayden yelled making Sam flinch at intensity of his voice, Roderick on the other hand wasn't in the least bit affected and just carried on with his pitter patter.

"On nothing much, we just played a game of, nah, I don't think you'll like the game" he concluded seeming at peace with his sons bewilded expression.

"How could you dad" Jayden whispered on the verge of tears. He knows his dad is a cruel man, but this, tops the cake.

"You really underestimate your father don't you, anyways it's time for Sam to go splat, so you ready?" Roderick questions a blood thirsty look taking over his features.

"You wouldn't dare" Jayden's hoarse voice says although he's very sure he will. He takes a step closer but Roderick stops him.
"Take a another step and I'll shoot her now, not that's there's any difference since I'll still shoot her anyway" Roderick threatens halting Jayden's steps.

"Dad don't do this I'm begging y-you, I'll do a-a-nything" Jayden pleads as tears trickled down his face, he doesn't even try to wipe them away because he doesn't care.

"We're past apologies son and you know that. Anyways, time's ticking, I've got places to be, things to do, what can I say I'm a busy man" Roderick taunts knowing he is getting on Jayden's nerves.

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