Chapter 17: Meetings and Surprises

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Jayden's POV

Staring at the short probably 5'6 Italian man, I couldn't help but wonder. How the heck was he the leader of Italy's strongest mafia. He had Giants in the name of men standing behind him which just made the whole situation ironic. He did look familiar to me but I couldn't quite place my finger on why.

Surprisingly, his English was very fluent so he and I encountered no difficulty in communication.

"Roderick of the 'sins' gang sent me here to ask your alliance, he discussed this earlier with you so all you need to do is to sign" I said making sure to speak the way Roderick liked me to.

And yes my dad was a gang leader but don't be deceived, he's stronger than most mafias. The reason he refused to form a mafia group is because mafias care about each other and as you can tell, he cares about no one.

Also gangs are small and therefore can easily go unnoticed. The thing is, he has many ally's so it would be pretty difficult to take him down. That's one of the reasons he wants to be ally's with Italians number one mafia group.

"You'll have to follow us to our layout. Don't bother trying anything stupid because we won't so much as waist a second in taking you guys down"

The ride to their layout was really quiet because they kept speaking their Italian language and it didn't take a magician to know that we were absolutely clueless as to what they were saying. It totally hadn't crossed to learn to learn a bit of Italian language.

When we got to their layout, I gasping in awe. It was like a really big family house. The translator guy Stefano said their leader who's name I learnt is Francesco but goes by Don which I also learnt meant boss built the incredibly huge house for all his group members who didn't have a home to go to. They were basically like one big family here, something Roderick can never let happen.

We were treated with respect and their service was awesome. Don also introduced me to his nineteen year I son Luca, who turned out not to be as much pain in the butt as I expected him to be. He also had a little sister of about four and the sight of her made my heart clench remembering Daisy and my whole family and friends that I left behind.

Turns out one of the reasons their mafia is the biggest and strongest is because they give people a second chance at life and unlike my dad's gang they didn't kill people for stupid reasons. Infact they didn't like to violence when it was necessary.

They were well know and respected by the people of Italy as they came to the country's protection when need be. If my dad's gang was half as considerate as this, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have any problem with him.

After a lot of laughter and merry making, they signed the ally contract for us. They were pretty laid back people and their company reminded me of what a real family felt like.

Getting them to sign the contract wasn't as difficult as we expected which means I won't be staying in Italy for two weeks. Things were starting to look up again I guess.


I was currently in my suit working on some paperwork and so were Luke and Dean. I had told them to get their work done fast so we could leave earlier and they complied.

The ringing of my phone distracted me and I looked up from what I was doing to locate the piece of mobile.

I didn't bother to look at the caller ID since there was only one person that called me when I was on a mission. The mobile was strictly for missions only.

"What do you want Roderick" I asked making sure to let the loathe show in my voice.

"Ryder I've always warned you to watch your tongue and my patience with you is wearing"

"Whatever, we got them to sign earlier than expected so we'll be back by the end of this week"

"That's why I called, I need you, Luke and Dean to stay a week to watch them train. Earn their trust, learn their strengths and weaknesses then you'll be free to come back"

I gasped when what he said registered. "Don't tell me your planning on double crossing them"

"See I knew you'll get it, you've always been smart, you are my son afterall"

"Well if you were as smart as you claimed, you'd know that it isn't possible for you to take them down they'd out number you in size and strength"

"That's why you're going to find out their witnesses Ryder, they may be strong but we have something they don't"

"What a backstabbing leader, I'll like to see you try control them like you did the others. Maybe for once I can finally watch your downfall"

"You really doubt my abilities don't you son"

"I am not your son"

He chuckled, "but I'm pretty sure it's my sperm that made you"

I was seething and was about to return a snarky comeback when his serious tone cut me off.

"Do as I say Ryder else, well you know the consequences" and like that he ended the call not giving me a chance to reply.

I hate that man, the bastard who claims to be my father. I hate him with every fiber of my being.

I called Luke and Dean to have a little chat so I could inform them of the latest update. They took the new quite calmly and I admit I had been expecting or more like hoping they'd bitch about it like I felt like doing.

I guess they were already too used to my father's antics to complain. Not many people in the gang knew Roderick was my dad, only the few that had been there from the beginning and some smart ones who figured it out Luke and Dean included.

I abandoned my work and threw myself on my bed closing my eyes and sighing. I just hope that everything will turn out ok and to be honest, even I was not encouraged by my words. There is no way everything will turn out just fine.


The Francesco family and their whole mafia family were pretty accepting about our requests.

We asked to practice with them so we could be able to teach our gang new things which wasn't a complete lie but it just wasn't the whole truth.

They were really fun people and even their practice was chill and fun. No one was bossed around and everyone was treated equal.

Most of them had families at home but they trusted the Francesco's enough to not put their families in danger. And I could only hope that my dad will not be the one to cause the destruction of this kind mafia family.

Over the years I had watched him take away innocent lives and destroy innocent souls and hadn't done anything about it. But I kind of felt attached to this strangely kind people and I couldn't just allow them to my dad to add them to his list of destruction.

They were family and family was the only reason I hadn't given up long ago.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you stick with me I promise it gets better. I didn't have this planned for the book at first but it seems to fit so I won't complain.
Anyways*vote* *comment* and maybe *fan*.

Thanks for reading,
See you in the next chapter,
Love y'all.

Question: What do you love about Italians.

Me: Their names, the language. I can't remember some now.

You: ???

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