Chapter 15: Kiss or Not

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"Jayden you spaced out again" I told the gorgeous guy in front of me with the concentration span of a two year old.

"Sorry, ehm, where were we" he asked for the umpteenth time. I was beginning to get worried, he was spacing out a lot and he wasn't his usual corky self. He hasn't even cracked one of those his Romeo jokes since we got here.

"What's wrong Jayden"
"I'm fine Sam, just a small head"
"Well you should have said so, I was beginning to think that somebody else had taken over your body"

"Thanks for your concern Sam but I'll manage"
"No you'll not we're skipping practice, it's almost over anyway"

"Hey Beth, Romeo's not feeling too good so we're going to skip the rest of practice today okay"

"Okay but practice in your free time we have only two weeks left okay"
"Will do, bye Beth" I said waving to the girl who I was now friends with.

"So, is there anywhere you want to go to in particular" I asked the boy I was currently dragging out of the school building.

I don't even know why I'm helping him, maybe it's to repay him for that time at the party or maybe it's because I'm starting to feel a little bit too cozy with him. I'll rather go for the former but right now I'll just focus on cheering up Mr grumpy.

Ice cream usually cheers people up so I stopped at an ice cream shop to get ice cream for both of us but apparently ice cream doesn't cheer Jayden Rivers.

"If you don't stop being a grumpy big old bag I'm going to kick you out of my car"

"I didn't ask to be here in the first place Sam, the told you I was fine"

"I'm going to ignore extreme corkiness and focus on cheering you up because that's what we ditched practice for"

Just then the perfect idea came to me and I quickly put my car on drive taking us to where I had in mind.

"A carnival, Sam what do I look like five" Mr grumpy even dared to ask.
"What are you talking about Jayden carnivals are fun and are for people of all age now quit being grumpy and loosen up would you, we're here to have fun"

"You can't force me to have fun" Jayden grumbled pouting. He really looked like a child right now he was so freaking cute I just felt like squishing his cheeks and ugh okay stray thoughts here.

"Yes I can that's the whole reason we're here"
I grabbed Jayden's hand leading us through the light crowd.

"How about roller coasters first" I asked Jayden. He didn't answer me he just crossed his arms and looked away and I rolled my eyes, such a child.

I went and joined the queue paying for a ride for both of us. Fun fact, I'm totally afraid of rollercoaster but I'm sure a guy like Jayden will love the thrill so I guess I'll have to manage.

When we had settled the rollercoaster began to move. I kept my eyes shut tight as it rolled down the feeling the familiar queasiness at the base of my Tommy.

"Sam are you scared of rollercoasters" Jayden asked having witnessed my whole escapade.
"Maybe a little" he raised an eyebrow at me "okay a lot, but I knew you'd want to go on it so I put on my big girls pant but apparently that's not working"

"Thanks Sam" he whispered a small smile etched on his lips. Then he suddenly burst into fits of laughter clutching his sides and wiping away tears threatening to escape from his eye. The rollercoaster stopped and we both got down Jayden still laughing.

"You know a joke is better understood when share" I told the Jayden glaring at him.
"Sorry it's just, how can anyone be afraid of rollercoasters"
"Oh so this is what this is all about, glad to see my fear brings you joy" I was glaring at him but couldn't help the small smile making its way to my face. I had cheered him up after all even though it was at my expense.

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