Chapter 39: Dangerous waters II

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Sam's POV

Ever since I came home, I haven't been able to control my thoughts. The guys wanted to hang out but I passed.

A lot of things were running through my mind and none of them were good. This plan could go wrong in countless ways and I'd be caught in the middle of it.

To be honest I'm really scared but my fear reminds me of how Daisy must be feeling. I think I'll cope better with a kidnap than a six year old, besides my friends will come in due time to rescue me.

I feel guilty not telling them about this but it's only because they will never let me carry on with my plan. Jayden will definitely be a buzz kill if I tell him all of this.

After thinking for about an hour and coming up with nothing that wasn't scary, I decided to take my fate into my hands.

I got out a piece of paper and started writing a really comprehensive essay on where I was going to be and how I got there. I made to apologize for not telling them.

Then it clicked, if there's any chance of them rescuing me, they'll have to go to Italy and learn to fight. Jayden has to make sure that Don prepares them for a fight with Roderick, that's my only hope of getting out there alive.

I made sure to write that out stating how important it is that he got them ready so he doesn't back out at the idea of putting more people in danger.

After I was done with the letter, I put it in a bright pink envelope and kept it on my desk, you know the point of the pink right?

My mom called me down for dinner but I refused because I was too nervous and frightened to stomach anything at the moment.

Can you even call all of this a kidnap since I am willing exchanging myself for Daisy. If you can, then how does a willing kidnap even work.

Will just hand over myself to him like that, no receipt, nothing. I snotted at my own thoughts. A receipt, Sam, get over yourself.

Deciding that this whole situation isn't worth thinking about anymore, I washed up and climbed into my bed. If there's anything I've learnt from my years of watching action movies, it's that you're never able to really sleep when you're kidnapped.

I looked out of my window and cursed the day for mocking me. It was fairly bright although it wasn't five o'clock yet and given that, you can tell today will be a beautiful day.

What's better than getting yourself willingly kidnapped on a beautiful day. I groaned in frustration then kicked my school bag that was currently stuffed with personal belongings that I might need.

My house was still quiet since no one was up, which made this the perfect opportunity to leave. But the thing is, I actually want to say goodbye to them before I do because I have no idea when next I'll see them.

I went to my brother's room first and shook him awake.
"Hey Ben I'm leaving for school ok" I said in a hushed tone running my hand through his hair.

"School, isn't it like one in the morning" he drawled out sleepily while rubbing his eyes.

"No Ben it's like five, and I have somewhere to be before I go to school"

He nodded in understanding and before I could control myself, I brought him into a hug.

"Take of yourself and our parents ok" I whispered squeezing him.
"Always have been and always will" he replied cockily although I know he can hear the distress in my voice.

This are one of the reasons I love my brother, he doesn't ask questions he knows you don't want to answer.

I sent him a grateful smile and kissed his forehead.
"Whatever you're doing, just don't get killed ok, I kinda still want to have a sister"

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