Chapter 21: Bimbos and More Surprises

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Sam's POV

It has been two days since I was released from the hospital, two days since my friends found out about my disorders. I haven't gone to school in those two days because my parents were adamant about me resting at home.

Skipping school for two days is what any teenager will ask for so I went with it without uttering a single complaint. My friends were pretty bummed when they heard that I wasn't going to be in school for two days.

They wanted to come over but apparently our teachers decided that this week was the week were they murder us with homework.
I can't imagine how busy I'll be when I actually return to school which by the way is tomorrow.

I wanted to borrow notes from my friends and start some of the homework at home but my mom insisted that I rest.

So here I am binging Netflix with a large tub of ice cream and a huge bowl of popcorn. Sometimes I wonder why I don't get fat, I guess it's a blessing and a curse.

I can't remember the name of the movie I just finished watching but it wasn't that bad, besides I was feeling tired so I decided to retire early.

I cleared my room, took a hot shower to rid the stickiness from my body and then brushed my teeth. I put on comfortable PJ's and crawled under my thick duvet.

I'm sleeping early so I'll be able to wake up early tomorrow I told myself, heck who am I kidding I just wanted extra hours of sleep. I smiled at my thoughts and got comfortable on my bed letting the warmth pull me into unconsciousness.

The sound of my alarm had me feeling disoriented for some seconds before I remembered that I had to go to school today. You'd think that with all the sleep I had, I'd be a little willing to go to school today. Well let me fill you in on something, school sucks and no amount of sleep will change that.

I grudgingly got out of bed and turned off my alarm a lot more forceful than necessary if I may add but you can't blame me, I needed something to vent my anger on.

I turned on the shower and let the water warm up before stepping in for a quick bath with hopes of it awakening my currently dead senses.

It worked a little as I was feeling a bit more refreshed. I picked out a black pair of ripped jeans, a white shirt paired with my black Jordans. I stuffed all that I needed in my bag and made my way downstairs.

"Morning Mom" I greeted my mother who was now going around in circles trying to put on her shoe.

"Morning Sam, me and your dad have to leave for an important business meeting right now so you'll be taking Ben to school, there's money on the counter in case you need anything. Have fun at school and don't kill each other before I'm back" she said giving us air kisses so she wouldn't spoil her perfectly done lipstick, a bright cherry red colour that matched her red blouse and heels perfectly.

Ben was on his phone his bacon and eggs barely touched while I just decided to go for cereal. When I was done, Ben still hadn't touched his food and when I asked him about it, he didn't spare me a glance and just said he wasn't hungry.

"Alright then, let's get you to school" I told him looking at him weirdly because this had to be the first time Benjamin Hamilton said he wasn't hungry.

We got in my car and drove to his school. The ride there was quiet with only the music playing in the background disrupting the silence.

Something was off, Ben was also never quiet. We usually bantered about which music to play since we had different tastes or we'll argue about anything in general.

I parked the car in front of his school but stopped him when he tried getting out. "What's wrong Ben" I asked my slightly confused brother.

After my question, his face contorted in a blank expression and he grumbled out a 'nothing' but I wasn't buying it.

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