Chapter 14: Archade

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Dedicated to all my readers and followers. Thanks for all your support.

I woke and groaned as my head pounded violently. I slowly opened my eyes so it could adjust to the light with intensifying the headache.

I closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep but the persistent pounding in my head made it impossible.

After about ten minutes of trying I gave up and gently placed my feet on the floor. I looked to my right in the direction of my alarm clock. Past noon, how long was I knocked out. I was about to retreat my gaze when I caught sight of something on my table.

I walked up to the table picking up the glass of water and medication on it. I wonder who kept these and as if on cue the paper taped to the medicine came into view.

You were pretty hammered yesterday so I brought you home. Take this when you wake up, it'll help your headache.

My heart did a strange twist at the gesture. This was really sweet of him, I'll have to thank him later. I feel bad for judging him quickly, I guess he isn't totally a self conceded jerk I thought to myself popping a pill in my mouth and swallowing it down with the class of water.

I thought back to the party trying to at least remember how I met Jayden but my messed up brain was giving me nothing.

I suddenly remembered my friends, I hope they are alright and that they aren't freaking out about me. I rang Mason's number and he picked up on third ring.

"Mason are you guys alright, when did you leave the party, I'm sorry I ditched you guys" I said all in one breath.

"Calm down woman, one question at a time your fueling my fucking hangover"

"You drank, I thought you were supposed to be our designated driver"

"I got carried away Sam"

"I'm sorry Mason I didn't mean it to sound rude, uhh, if you were drunk who dropped you guys off"

"Blake was hanging out with Louis and he was the only one who wasn't drunk so he dropped us off at Raven's house since it was the closest so we crashed there for the night while he took Cole home"

"I see why Louis likes him, he's such a gentleman"

"Speaking of gentlemen, did Jayden drop you home safely, did he try to do anything to you" Mason asked as frantically as I did before.

"Now your the one giving me a headache, and to answer all your questions, he didn't do anything to me infact he was so sweet and....well...... gentlemanly"
"Looks like someone's got a crush" Alisa said. Wait a... she had been listening in the whole time and hadn't bothered to acknowledge me until now.

"Well good morning Alisa, it's so nice of you to reassure me of your existence which I was in no way worried about" I said my words dripping with sarcasm.

"It's not our fault, you pretty much woke all of us up when you called, well apart from Louis he's still knocked out cold"

"Highly expected" I said chuckling lightly.

"Soooo, Cole asked me during the party yesterday if we wanted to hang out and I told him yes, you up for it"

"Sure, what time should I come over"

"Meet us at creamy goodness by 3 o'clock, hopefully by then we wouldn't feel like we're carrying the whole world on our head" I chuckled realizing that she was referring to the hangover we were sporting.

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