Chapter 31:Secrets and Discoveries

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It's been one week since school resumed so everything is currently laid back as everyone is still reminiscing in the bits and pieces of the Christmas holiday. The weather is still chilly so you can't really do much outside but despite the hindrance, I and my friends still managed to make everyday fun, until now that is.

"You told Logan our secret" Jayden's voice boomed.
"I'm sorry, it's just that he's been in our group for sometime I thought why not let him in on it" Jody replied a look of regret on her face.
"Apart from the fact that you betrayed me, do you know the kind of danger you've put him into" Jayden asked and I could see the impact his words had on Jody.

"I know now, I'm sorry I didn't consider that at first. I just felt that since he is a part of our group, it'll only be right if I tell him" she replied in a quiet voice.

Jayden was about to say something, probably more words that'll make Jody a lot more guilty than she already is but I stopped him before he could do so.

"There's no need dwelling on what's been done Jayden, if anything we should probably bring our meeting with the mafias closer" I said softly trying to calm him down.

"We're going tomorrow" he said sharply and I gasped.
"What" I questioned in case I had heard him wrong.
"I said we are going to meet them tomorrow" he replied again as if it wasn't a big deal.
"I know I said we should meet them soon but I didn't mean this soon" I cried in exasperation.

"What are we even going to tell our parents. Ok, how about, mom, dad, we're going on a trip to Italy to make a deal with their deadliest mafia group, how dandy, wish us luck"

"Sacarsm isn't getting you anywhere Sam, besides I have all that planned out already" Jayden said still looking as relaxed as ever. You'd probably think we're talking about our favorite ice creams and not a meeting with a mafia group.

"Oh yeah, well what's this plan oh great one" I asked a hint of annoyance in my tone.

"Calm your tits down and listen woman" Jayden said rubbing his forehead with his hand the way you'd do when you have a headache coming on. But I paid no attention to that fact and rather focused on the one I deemed more important.

"Don't you dare call me woman and also no swearing when you're talking to me" I said sassily huffing in annoyance.

"Fine, I'm sorry, now can we get back to the matter at hand" Jayden asked and I nodded begrudgingly.

"Excuse us Jody, we're going to discuss this in private in case you feel the need to tell anyone else" Jayden said sweetly before grabbing my arm and pulling me with him leaving a hurt looking Jody on her own.

"Jayden that was rude" I cushioned with a slap on his arm.

He rubbed where I hit him and pouted, "I just said that to make her feel as hurt as I am for her betrayal"

"That's absolutely childish now hurry up and state your plan, we don't have all day and our friends are still waiting for us in the cafeteria" I huffed out still feeling annoyed at what he did to Jody.

Jayden rolled his eyes at me before speaking, "you're going to tell your parents that you are having a sleepover at Alisa's house while I'll say I'm having a sleepover at Cole's house. They won't suspect a thing seeing as how close we've all become"

"If that's going to work then only you and I will be going on the trip" I stated still trying to wrap my head around what he just said.

"That's the plan, besides we need them here so they could cover for us in case our parents become suspicious though I highly doubt that. We're starting the journey tomorrow morning before school hours and we'll be back after school hours the next day"

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