#Bonus Chapter 1

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Cole and Alisa's Story

Alisa's POV

I raised my hand to block the sun that was currently streaming into my eyes, what I would pay to go back to Winter or spring even. My curly red hair which I let revert back to it's natural dark brown colour, is in a high bun. I am basking in the afternoon sun, but not tanning because there really isn't anything to tan, what with my skin being a coffee brown colour.

To be honest I'm not really a sun person, I prefer the weather windy or cold, even rainy, anything but sunny.

But here I am in a fairly cheap cabin in the middle of nowhere tanning my my already tanned skin. I guess that's what friends do to you, they make you step out of your comfort zone and do things you would not normally be caught doing.

Before our third session for 12th grade was over, Jody had suggested we spend the summer together. Jayden and Sam leaving the group took a toll on us and so when Jody came up with this idea which she considered brilliant, there was no resisting her.

We never want to move on from Jayden and Sam because no matter what, they are still our best friends, but we still want to carry on with our lives without being gloomy inside out.

On rare occasions Sam actually picks our calls, we talk about everything and nothing, nobody dares to mention Jayden's name during this short interactions (if you could even call it that) though. Now Jayden is even worse off than Sam, we haven't heard from him since he got shipped back to Spain. It broke all our hearts but most especially Cole's and Blake's, they were his best friends after all.

We keep hoping that he'll one day give us a call but in the past five months, we've had no such luck. By September we would be entering senior year, filling out forms and stressing over college. Infact, most of us had already made our choices in junior year, so all that is left is going through senior year and as easy as that sounds, I know that we will come to meet stress first hand and maybe that would be great, with our future right before us, we won't have time to sulk about how life has treated us.

Cole and I applied for the same college, and yes, he finally asked me out. Despite how happy I am to be in a relationship with him, Jayden and Sam are two figures that are still lingering within us but we promised ourselves that we would cope as long as we had each other.

We both applied in New Jersey and despite it being a good distance from New York, we still believe we can manage. We kind of need the distance if we are ever going to get over everything that has happened.

"Alisa aren't you coming," Raven questioned shimming out of her shorts and tank top leaving her in only her black bikini.

"I'm coming, just give me a second," I called back standing up from the pallet I had been laying down in.

I removed the silk robe I had been wear and freed my hair from it's bun before going after my friends.

The main reason Jody had chosen this cabin is because she found out that there was a waterfall not too far from here. Before the waterfall is a cliff which we planned to jump off and yes all precautions have been taken, the waterfall is a good fifty miles away from the cliff which does not leave us in harms way.

"What are you pregnant, walk faster would you," Cole yelled cheekily leaving my mouth agape and my cheeks a deep crimson. Oh two can play that game you filter-less idiot.

"You are right Cole, I do feel pregnant. You must have knocked me up after how many rounds we did last night, I lost track so I can't be sure if you used a condom every single time, I did warn you to didn't I?" I almost broke my facade at the sight of Cole choking on nothing but air.

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