#Bonus Chapter 3

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Jody and Logan's story

Logan's POV

For once, I was glad about having my own house. For once, my house didn't feel as cold and empty as it usually did.  Even my shady front porch didn't look so shady anymore, not with the colourful balloons hanging around it's ceiling.

There were all sorts of birthday decorations, courtesy of Louis himself. The dude claimed to have a knack for decorating, I would say he had a knack for vomiting colours over places.

The inside of my white bungalow, looked just as colour stricken as the outside, if not more. Naturally I would have full on complained, but all this was for someone really special to me, I wouldn't even dare make a fuss.

"What are you doing, standing there with an arm filled with nothing. This place isn't gonna organize itself," Mason said passing by me with an arm filled with..... something I guess?

I let my eyes scan the sky, the day was beautiful, perfect for the girl who owned it. April 21st, the day the girl who owned my world was born.

"Logan get in here, or I swear we're leaving everything to your lazy ass," Alisa yelled, fuming past my view point with a really large box of decorations.

How much more decorating did Louis need to do before he was satisfied enough. Well there goes my little moment of sappiness, gotta put my bad boy face back on.

I hadn't even fully gone through the door, when Louis yanked my arm in some random direction. Turns out he was too short to hang a ribbon where he deemed perfect. Why a place he deemed perfect had to be out of his own reach is beyond me.

Nevertheless, I sucked it up and joined them in their unnecessary decorating.

I was going to get a batch of cookies from the oven as Alisa instructed, when Blake waltzed in with the cake in his hands.

"That's the correct cake, right?"

"Of course it is, how can I forget a cake Jody has been simping on for a month," he laughed and went to put the cake in the refrigerator so it didn't melt.

'Simping' is one way to put it, but there's no denying that he's right.

I only hoped that the people we asked to keep Jody busy, wouldn't ruin everything we've worked hard for.

Cole and Raven were an unusual pair, and not in a good way. There were always in a back and forth banter, so choosing them for the job had been a major risk. Letting them decorate with us would have been futile because, Raven would have done nothing, and Cole would have been a huge distraction. Hopefully his incredible talent in being a distraction comes in handy in this moment.

It was odd how dedicated I was to making sure everything went right, or at least didn't ball down to disaster. It felt weird but welcoming, for me to care deeply about just one person in a way I haven't before. Of course I cared for the crew too, but Jody was different, what we had going on was different.

I can't believe I just let all of them barge into my life, I kick me off track, or rather in track. If anyone had told me a year ago, that I'd have people who weren't gang or mafia related members, as friends, I would have laughed in their face. Now it's happening and I'm laughing in my own face, it's a laugh of relief though. Relief that my life was finally taking a natural turn, my parents would be proud.

Okay that's enough sap for one day, remind me not to get too emotional.....ever.

Two hours later and the house was finally able to meet Louis' taste, that guy was insanely hard to please. I bruised my fingers a couple of times, before I finally got the stupid banner he gave me, to hang just as he wanted.

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