Chapter 16: He wished for a Miracle

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Jayden's POV

I laid in my bed thinking of how much of a screw up I was. Nothing in my life ever turned out right. I thought back to what had just happened. I had kissed her on my own knowing fully well the risks that came with it. And then like the douche I was, I refused to talk to her about it pretending it didn't happen.

But I'd rather be labeled a cold ass bitch than let that nut bag use someone I loved to hurt me again. My family, Cole and Blake are enough weaknesses that scum bag has on me and I can't afford to add more. I can't lose anyone else like I lost her, he fucking killed her. I promised myself that I wouldn't let him do to anyone what he did to her.

He can hurt me all he wants but I'm not going to let him hurt innocent people. I'm going to be gone for two weeks, that's the longest time he has sent me on a mission for. What would my family and friends do. They'll probably freak out, I smiled at the thought. At least they care even if it's only a little I'll accept whatever affection I can receive.

Grrrh, Jayden get a grip would you. You're not meant to be thinking about that now, you're meant to be stone cold with a frozen heart. I scolded myself for showing weakness even once. I decided to go to sleep and avoid thinking about what'll happen in the next two weeks.


It was barely 3am and I was already on my way to the airport. There wasn't a single soul in sight, I mean who would be crazy enough to be awake at this time of day oh that's right me.

The airport was also empty except of course for Luke, Dean and Fredrick who was currently glaring at me.

"It's barely 3am, what's all the rush" I asked.
"It's a private plane Ryder, if we don't leave early they'll search us and if they do then what would be the use of not using the jet" Fredrick yelled.

God this guy was a pain.
"I'm here now aren't I, so let's get on with it then" I growled walking past them.

All Roderick thinks about is money, power and ehh I don't even want to know what goes on in that mind of his.

"Hey men you ok"
"I'm fine Luke"
"Well you don't look fine, you're grumpier than usual"
"I'm not in the mood to talk Luke"
"Ok man, but if you need me, you know where to find me"

I sighed loudly falling into the leather seat of my dad's plane. The whole kissing Sam and ignoring her situation was beginning to get to me. But if I was given another opportunity I can't say I'll be able to resist kissing her.

Ever since I met her on the first day of school when she accidentally spilled coffee on me, she's been on my mind most of the time. I've tried to forget about her but it's really difficult since I see her everywhere even in my fucking dreams.

I'm really hopeless aren't I.
I looked out my window and let the clouds distract me. I've always loved flying but the whole meeting with strongest mafia group in Italy kind of nauseates me.

At least my Roderick promised I'll come back alive. If I was going to die he'd tell me straight to my face, he doesn't care and never will.

I can feel myself beginning to get drowsy. Well I need this sleep if going to be facing Italy's strongest mafia group.


Luke, Dean and I got down from the plane while Fredrick flew back to California.

Italy's a really big country from what I can see. Most of the people here are pale and majority of them are old people. Who would've thought that such a supposedly peaceful country could hold one of the strongest mafia group in the world.

Well as the saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover.

I and the guys made our way to the hotel that Roderick reserved for us.
Yes we had a whole fucking hotel to ourselves because my dad didn't need people snooping around on us while we worked.

When we entered we were greeted by a middle aged woman who signed us into our various suits and left after making sure we were comfortable.

The only people that were allowed to enter the hotel during our stay were the cleaners and gardeners and also the clerk who'll make sure we sign for everyday we stay here.

I got in the elevator that led to my suit to unpack my things and start working. The faster I can get this done, the faster I can leave here.

My suit was on the topmost floor with my own personal study because there are somethings Roderick trusts only me with since he knows that I can't go behind his back.

I put my things in order and brought out a picture of my family, the boys and lastly a picture of Bianca and laid them across my desk. They were the only reasons I was doing this and i needed to see them in order not to give up on life in general.

It was two years ago when I finally found out what Roderick had been doing to Bianca. When that bastard and my mom divorced, Bianca went with my dad while I went with mom. My twin had always adored my dad and didn't want to live him.

One night she called, I was only sixteen by then and well so was she. She told me everything my dad had been doing to her. Forcing her to kill people, going on deadly missions and torturing innocent lives. She was tired of that life and needed my help so I volunteered to help her.
Only before I could the old man some how found out that she asked for my help, so he killed her before I even had the chance to save her. Then he went ahead and threatened to kill everyone I loved if I didn't work for him or if I tried to tell anyone about him.

Although I was just sixteen, I knew he wasn't kidding. He killed his own daughter afterall and like the devil he was, he sent me the video to watch.

I had nightmares after watching it, I still do. The worst thing about the whole situation was that I couldn't talk to anyone about it.

I gradually started to work for my father and that's when everything about me changed. I became cold to everyone and to cover up for my coldness I became the schools badboy.

Cole and Blake knew something was up with me. After all they'd known me since 1st grade. They tried to make me talk to them but I just couldn't, I couldn't risk him finding out and coming after them. But to my surprise they stuck to me even when I wasn't being honest with them.

They were the perfect best friends a fucked up guy like me could ask for.

I've promised myself one thing though, if I ever got the chance I'd kill that bastard myself. I just wish some kind of miracle could save me before I sink completely.

I just hope tomorrow's meeting will go smoothly, I don't need any extra headache during our stay here. Once we're done with whatever business we have here, I can finally go back home to the people I love. The people who have no idea that they're the only ones keeping me alive.

Not a really smooth chapter I know but I'm trying. One or two more of Jayden's POV and we can go back to better days. I know that I've not really set the plot for Sam and Jayden's love story.
I know they were supposed to fall in love gradually and I'm messing that up but I promise after the whole mafia fiasco, Jayam all the way (that's Sam and Jayden's ship name).

Comment better ones if you can think of any. Don't forget to vote if you like the book.

Thanks for reading,
Love y'all and see you in the next chapter.

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