Chapter 19: He's back

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Jayden's POV

"I really hope I don't mess this up, I'm literally shaking from so much nerves," I heard Sam say to our friends.

"You'll do great Sam, just remember we're out here cheering for you," Jody assured her patting her back to calm her down while the rest nodded in agreement.

"To be honest, I wish Jayden was here. He has his way of making situations like this more bearable and I'm used to practicing with him,"

"Honey, I'm sure Jake's just as good," Louis cooed as he hugged her to make her calm down.

Jake, so they gave my spot as Romeo to 'Jake'. Oh hell no was I letting that asshole take my place.

"Hey did someone order a Romeo," I yelled causing all heads to turn in my direction.

My friends looked shocked, happy, relieved and a whole bunch of other emotions I couldn't place while the rest of the kids back stage looked surprised if I do say so myself and I do. I guess I caught them all by surprise.

"Jay-Jay, is that really you," Cole asked walking towards me. He was the first to snap out of his daze.

"Ya buddy, it's me," And like that I was tackled to the ground by Cole. When I was finally able to pull him off, the orders hadn't still reacted.

What a bunch of dorks I thought rolling my eyes.

"Aren't you guys happy to see me because I sure am happy to see you. Come on, I literally flew all night just to surprise you guys and make it in time for the show the least I can get is a proper welcome," I said opening my arms suggestively.

One by one they all came to hug me except Sam of course who just stared at me like a freaking alien.

After I hugged Jody, Alisa and Louis, I gave Mason and Blake a bro hug and Raven an awkward side hug. Affection wasn't really her thing.

"Sam a few minutes ago you were wishing that I was here and I made your wish come through show me some love would you," I told her as I engulfed her in a hug.

"You heard that," she mumbled in my chest and I looked to see that her face was red.

"I heard enough to know that you missed," I said trailing my hand down her cheek.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment but there's a show going on and Romeo and Juliet will soon be called on stage," Alisa said smirking at us.

I released Sam and glared at Alisa which only made her smirk grow.

"Jayden, do you have any idea how to get rid of Jake because if you don't then you can't be Romeo," Lucas said his arms crossed and one hip pushed out.

Huh, I didn't even think of that. Then a brilliant idea came to me and I smiled.

"We could lock him up till after the show," I said and they all looked at me like I was crazy except Alisa of course, she was as crazy as I was.

"Are you nuts we could get caught then get arrested then jailed then.." Jody was saying before Raven cut her off.

"I kind of like the idea," she said smirking and rubbing her hands together. I had to say she looked evil and I liked it.

"You know what Jake's kind of a dick so I don't mind," Alisa said.

"Me too, he usually calls me a fag anytime he sees me," Louis said with a pout.

"He does, why didn't you tell me," Blake asked Louis frowning.

"O-oh I didn't w-w-want to disturb you," Louis stuttered shuffling his feet.

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