#Bonus Chapter 4

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Blake and Louis's story

Blake's POV

I hopped out of my truck, and approached the entrance of Kings and Queens Academy. The halls were bustling with activities. I guess you could say that everyone was happy for us seniors. We were graduating after all. If you've gone through senior year, you'd understand the massive relief we felt at the prospect of it finally being over.

I greeted a few familiar faces and a lot of unfamiliar ones. What can I say I'm as cliche-ly popular as the dozen of highschool movies you've watched, pointed out.

My phone dinged in a particular tone I had set solely for incoming messages. I took it out of my pants pocket to see if it was the one I was expecting.

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth when I saw Louis's name with a bright yellow flower by the side of it, pop up on my notification board. I put the sunflower beside it because Louis was my own personal sun. As cliche as it is –my life is a whole cluster of cliches– it's completely true.

The popular broody bad boy falling for the out cheery gay boy, a classic. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm still not ready to come out to my parents as bisexual, I don't know if I ever will be. I'm totally out and open in school though, seeing as my parents are too stuck up to be found on social media. Stuck up might be too harsh, their just. . . .religious. Overly religious. The kind of religious were they'll kick me out, or send me to a conversion camp, if they ever find out that I'm bisexual.

Not wanting to delve into darker thoughts, I concentrate on reading my Sunshine's message.


Meet us in the changing rooms.


Which of them, be more specific babe.

Louis 🌻

Oh right, sorry. The one allocated to theatrics.


The one with the closet we locked Jake in?

I asked that to get a smile out of him. I couldn't see him, but I knew a recollection of that event will etch a smile on his adorable face.

Louis 🌻

Yeah, that one.

I couldn't help but feel something was off, he was never this strict when it came to texting. I shrugged it off as nerves due to the upcoming events.


Okay babe, see you soon <3

Louis 🌻

Mhmm, see you soon.

He didn't return my heart, I pondered confusedly. After some minutes, I shrugged it off, again. There was no use overthinking what didn't need to be over thought. I have a rough enough day to go through in one piece without the addition of unwanted drama.

There were a lot of things clawing at the brink of my sanity, trying to get me to ponder them. But like what I had been doing lately, I pushed them to the corner of my mind, and sealed them shut.

A cowardly move if you ask me.

When I got into the dressing room, I was met with numerous greetings thrown at me from my friends.

Cole said, "what's up, dawg."

Immediately those words left his mouth, everybody was guffawing, well except Louis who looked as tense as a rock.

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