Chapter 18: Part 2: No Romeo

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Sam's POV

The play is today and Jayden still isn't back. When Bethany realized four days ago that Jayden might not be back in time for the play, she replaced him.

His replacement was some jock named Jake, he told me we met at the party but I can't remember him. The events of that party are a jumbled mess in my head.

Anyways right now I'm standing back stage with my friends. They were all working back stage except me of course. I had to be freaking Juliet what with all my amazing social ability and non-existent anxiety attacks, note the sarcasm.

Right now I was dressed in some red fitting floor length gown because apparently this is what a Juliet should wear. The gown was so itchy and don't even get me started on the length, I keep tripping everytime I take as much as two steps.

Bethany was running around frantically trying to make sure everything was set. Infact everyone looked busy apart from us because we couldn't give two shits about the play.

"Guys I don't want to be Juliet" I whined again. I've been doing that for the past ten minutes. Ever since I got into these ancient British gown and shoe my confidence has gone down by a lot and there was really not much confidence in the first place.

"You've been complaining for the how many minutes, shut it already, it's not our fault you have such shitty luck" Raven answered.

I gasped in shock playfully "you are such a meany" I cried. She just rolled her eyes at me but I could see the hint of a smile. She doesn't scare me any longer.....ok that's a lie but I'm not as scared of her as I was before. That's progress right.

We goofed around for sometime though I knew the only reason they were joking around was to calm me down, they were such good friends.

Bethany came to announce that it was time for the play and everyone was supposed to be in their positions. I waited behind the curtains my nerves all around the place as our play was called. From here I could see the amount of people that came for the play all waiting to be wowed.

Luckily I had sometime before my part came up. Even though I'll never admit it to his face but I wish Jayden was here. He always has a way with things that'll immediately put you at ease. Let's just hope I don't make a fool out of myself while we're out there. I'm not ready for anyone to find out about my 'problems' and start treating me differently.

I'm not ready to move just yet. I like it here and I'm not ready to lose my friends. My life was gradually becoming better, I don't want it all to end, I'm not ready to be an outcast again.

Jayden's POV

At the beginning of this week, something I'd forgotten about completely hit me like a ton of bricks.

The school play was by the end of the week and I was supposed to be Romeo. Our grades depend on how good the play is which means once again I'm being an inconsiderate jerk and ruining things for people.

We also worked really hard for the play and I couldn't see myself giving up that easily so I came up with an idea that took away my sleep and drained my muscles.

I let Don train us day and night so we'd be able to make back in time for the play. That is currently the reason why I am shuffling around the hotel like a mad man, desperately trying to gather all my things so I don't miss the last flight of the night. Yes night, I had no other option.

We completed the training early yesterday and I was so tired I slept through out the day. I have to admit though their skills were good. They could take my father down in a blink of an eye but they had one weakness. The same weakness which is keeping me in the position I'm in right now.

They care about people, they love each other. Something my dad can't do, something he'd use to destroy you.

I went out to see Dean and Luke waiting for me by the car we rented during our stay here. The owners of the hotel were going to get it from the airport after we left.

We arrived at the airport just in time to hear our names being called to cross-check our tickets and scan our luggages.

After making sure none of us was carrying anything 'illegal', we were allowed to board the plane.

During the plane flight I tried to recall my lines just to make sure I didn't look stupid on stage. I had bought a nice looking Romeo costume back in Italy but there was no way I was going to wear that thing all the way back to New York. I had pride people.

I must have dozed off because next thing I know a voice from the plane's intercom is informing us that we'll be landing in five minutes.

I buckled my seatbelt and braced myself for the uncomfortable feeling I usually get when a plane is landing.
What!! I'm sure I'm not the only one who has those.

When the plane had landed, we got our things out and made our way to a cab. I'm absolutely loving Dean and Luke for not abandoning me even if they could.

It was 7:30 right now and the play started by ten o'clock giving me enough time to freshen up so I can make it in time for the play.

We went to Luke's house which he lived alone at so no one would question me and end up wasting my time. There was no way I was going to my house, it was even an option.

After showering quickly, I put on the Romeo costume and let Luke do my hair and makeup. He was good with this sort of things thank God.

Seriously these guys are like angels that were sent to me. I grabbed a breakfast bar from Luke's cabinet as we made our way outside.

Dean was our designated driver since he knew how to move around traffic.

When we got to my school, the parking lot and hallways were deserted which means the play had started or was about to start. I'm hoping it's the latter if not I'll look really stupid not that I care. Ok I may care just a tiny insy weensy bit.

Luke and Dean had already gone to join the audience while I went back stage.

I was nervous which is a rare sight to see on me. I guess you could say the whole situation could go really good or really really really bad.

I never even thought to consider what the reactions of my family and friends will be when they see me, I thought taking deep calming breaths.

Oh well I guess it's time to find out I said to myself and then walked in like the Romeo I was. A more handsome one if you ask me.

Short chapter, I know. I needed it to be like this for the sake of the next chapter. Plus it's part two so maybe part one could cover up for it.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote, share, comment, fan etcetera etcetera.

Thanks for reading,
See you in the next chapter.
Love y'all.

Question: Best sport(s).

Me: Basketball, badminton

You: ???

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