Chapter 5: Run for your Lives

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"I felt that a bake sale was too small to raise money for the play. If we want to go all out, we need more than just a bake sale. So with the permission of Mrs wishaway we'll be having a fund raiser.

The fund raiser includes any activity that is capable of bringing us money. There'll be compulsory activities which obviously includes the bake sale, a talent show and an auction.

The fund raiser is one week away, so if you've got any extra idea, be sure to tell us because we need all the money we can get," Bethany Williams said before going back to her place as the assistant director of the play.

For someone as much of a stereotypical nerd, as Bethany Williams was, she was quite outspoken. It was a characteristic I both liked and admired about her, her enthusiasm on the other hand, was too much for me to handle. I've been dreading the day of the play ever since we were told about it on Tuesday. I was more than thankful when Friday morning came around, TGIF, that acronym is the most relatable one to ever grace our existence.

"Oh and guys, I'll hand out flyers to all of you after this, so make sure to invite anyone you think is worthy of an invite. Don't worry about your parents, the school will be emailing it to them for us," Bethany rambled, before returning to whatever work she was doing.

See what I was talking about, her stupid enthusiasm will kill us all. Me and Jayden have been able to rehearse with as much civility as Jayden could allow. Apart from cracking stupid jokes here and there, he was not totally unbearable.

After rehearsal, I met up with my friends as we walked to the coffee shop close to our school. Apart from lunch and on our group chat, we didn't really hang out much which was mostly because of the play. It turned out that the whole senior year was going to be a part of the play one way or the other, but sadly, only those in AP English were going to act.

"Woah, this place is packed even more than usual," Alisa gasped as we walked into "Creamy Goodness." I was more than amused when I found out that it was the literal name of the store, I won't fault them for it though, seeing as they have all the creamy goodnesses you could think of. We walked in, trying to get a table when my name was called.

"Sam? Sammy over here!" someone exclaimed, with enthusiasm no one has ever used while calling my name.

I turned around, trying to locate the sound of the voice, and blinked rapidly when saw Cole waving us over with a huge grin on his face.

We all made our way to the table with the confusion we felt, evident on our faces. It became even more confusing when we realized that Jayden and Blake where spotting the same look as us. We all looked at Cole, waiting for him to speak up and clear the air of confusion around us. Blake's frown told me that he was far from ready to deal with Cole's Shenanigans.

"I saw you guys wonder around the crowded cafe with no where to sit, so like the gentleman I was, I invited you over," he finished, a smile of accomplishment on his face.

Had this guy lost it, we weren't even acquaintances, and we definitely weren't friends.

The next words that followed, showed that not all of us were on the same page.

"I'm definitely not passing this admittedly weird offer," Alisa decided, breaking the silence, and taking the empty seat on Cole's right.

"Me neither!" Louis all but squealed as he took a seat beside Blake.

The rest of us shrugged, seeing as we had no other option. I ended up sitting on Mason's left, and in front of Jayden who hadn't spoken since we invaded their table. With Blake, I was used to the silence, but Jayden quiet, just didn't sit well with me.

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