Chapter 28: The new guy's a pedophile

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Sam's POV

Today is turning out to be a really annoying day and it's not even lunch yet. Ok so here's the thing, you know how in movies the main actor or actress wakes up to sunlight streaming in through their window and then they open said window so they can admire nature and take a whiff of nature's amazing scent.

Well guess what, I would've preferred to wake up in a fairytale than to my butt freezing due to the fact that somehow during the night, the duvet managed to end up on the floor rather than on me where it was supposed to be.

And that's not even half of it. I wore my favourite white T-shirt and went down to join my family for breakfast just to get laughed at by Ben for wearing my shirt inside out, and yes mom and dad clearly found my situation funny because they were snickering and covering it up with coughs thinking I didn't notice.

After wearing my shirt the right way, I had lost my appetite so I just grabbed an apple and made my way to my front door. As soon as I stepped out, I was hit with a gust of wind that had me running back up to get a hoodie which I wore over my favourite shirt.
I know it'll be winter soon 'seasons' no need to rub it off in my face I cried stomping off to my car.

Then when I finally got to school after being stuck in traffic for fifteen minutes, homeroom was almost over which means that I missed my extra morning sleep.

Spotting my friends sitting together and chatting, I rushed over to tell them my predicament and guess what, they all laughed at me. Yes, they freaking laughed because apparently they find humor in my pain.

"Sam you're over reacting Jayden said chuckling and swinging his arms over my shoulder.

I crossed my arms over my chest pouting and glaring at him.

So yes those are the reasons my day has been going bad so far and to top it off I have history first ' yay me '. I know many people wouldn't consider this a bad day but to me, this is as bad as it can get.

I walked into my history class feeling cranky and annoyed at the fact that all my friends had it with me. You see this school is convinced that every student should know something about history simply because it's history and to carry that out, they split the history class into two so the two groups had history at different periods.

On a regular day I wouldn't have minded the fact that they had it with me, infact I would've been ecstatic but as you can see, this isn't a regular day.

I got out my history textbook and began to look for the page my history teacher was currently at but the door slamming open interrupted my actions.

I looked up to see a gorgeous blond haired guy talking to our teacher. Strange that I haven't seen him here before.

"Class, this is Logan Malcolm and he's a new student at Kings and queens academy, Logan introduce yourself to class please"

"My name's Logan and I like girls" Logan said in a rich baritone voice that sent shivers down my spine, and not the good kind.

This Logan guy looked too old to be a high schooler and although I could be wrong about that, I still had a bad feeling about him.

"The new guy's cute" Jody who is my desk mate said with a dreamy look on her face, most girls in my class had similar looks on their faces.

"He has the all American boy look, what is so cute about that" I asked irritation clear in my voice.

Jody gasped, "have you seen those crystal blue eyes and that jaw, I'm sure you can cut pizza with it" she gushed an awestruck look on her face.

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