Chapter 13: He

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Jayden's POV

I didn't feel like calling an Uber so I decided to walk back to my house which was a forty minutes walk from here.

But the good thing is, walks like this help clear my head which is what I'm opting for right now, I haven't had time to think in days and it was making most of my actions really impulsive.

For example why had I suddenly and roughly shoved Derek away from Sam. The thought kept nagging at the back of my mind but that was probably the least of my worries.

As if to taunt me the asshole called. I let it ring once, twice and was about to let it ring again and probably go to voicemail when I remembered his threat on my family and friends. I grudgingly picked up the damn call.

"What is it Roderick" I practically growled but you can't blame me, I hate his guts.
"Now now, you know that's not how to talk to your superior" he replied and I could feel the ever present smirk make it's way to his lips even if I couldn't see him and it just agitated.

"What do you want Roddy, I'm not really in the mood right now" I told him rubbing my forehead in agitation trying to keep my patience which he was really making difficult.

"Oh but I don't care and it's obvious you don't have a choice" he said. He started his sentence sickly sweetening but ended it with a strong threatening voice probably to remind me that I didn't have a choice.

"Master Roderick you know I'm always at your service" I told the him sacarsm dripping from my voice. I'm sure he could hear it to but he chose to ignore it.

"Did you finish up the job I gave you"

"yes Roddy I killed more innocent people".

"And who says they were innocent, they're just as bad as we are" he said chuckling slightly.

"They're just as bad as you are Roderick because I'm a victim, and besides I didn't know them so they were innocent to me"

"Whatever you think Ryder, now I need you to travel to Italy with your crew to get my work done"

"But you said it wasn't in another two months, I'll have to skip a lot of school for some dumbass deal"

"I don't give two shits about school Ryder, I've tried to get you to quit but you won't so it's not my problem besides you'll be gone for only two weeks"

"You know gang I'm going to meet in Italy is the strongest and most notorious gang in the world. They're undefeatable and I'll probably not make it back"

"I know their strength and that's why I'm trying to make an ally of them and relax it's just a truce meeting your not going to die, well at least not yet"

"You really don't care do you" I whispered to the now laughing man.

"Of course not Ryder you of all people should know that by now or do you need me to remind you of her"

"Shut the fuck up, I don't want to ever hear you speak of her with that fucking mouth of yours" I yelled. This man was really psycho, he was definitely messed up in the brain big time.

"You better watch your mouth Ryder" he said with venom. "Shit aside, you'll be leaving on Tuesday so be prepared
by then. Make up some excuse like you usually do"

"I'll be gone for two whole weeks no excuse will help me get through that"

"Then don't tell them at all then, look I don't actually care about how you'll do this but make it work. Be ready as early as 4am so you can make it to the airport in time, you don't wanna keep Fredrick waiting now do you"

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