Twenty-One: Shopping Disaster

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Picture of Victoria's Secret

"What do you think of this?" Jessica held up a shirt that said 'Daddy's girl' on it.

"I like it." Jake grinned.

"Pink." Lilian squealed.

"Oh you just like it cause it's pink." I stated and she giggled. "And you just like it because it says 'Daddy' on it." I looked over at a grinning Jake.

"And you're just annoyed because we're still shopping."

"Yes! We should have been done at least an hour ago but you guys are spoiling her rotten."

So pretty much we shopped for two hours and I had everything I needed and I thought Lilian did as well but according to Jake and Jessica, Lilian needed a few more items. We already had to make a trip out to the car just because we had to many bags to carry. They just want to spoil her which is not okay because I don't want her thinking she's going to get everything she wants.

"We're not spoiling her." Jessica said. "We're buying her things she needs."

"And her birthday's in two weeks. She'll get plenty of things then."

"Okay fine you have a point. We can go now." Jake sighed.

"Thank you."

We paid for the clothes we had in our arms and were about to leave but Jessica disagreed.

"I just remembered that we forgot to buy a few things." Jessica pulled us farther into the mall.

"Lilian has enough clothes and toys Jess." I groaned.

"Not for Lilian, for you." She stopped in front of Victoria's Secret.

I groaned. "Oh no."

"Yep. Jake you stay here with Lilian and the bags." She set the bags down by a bench then dragged me into the store.

"Why did we have to come in here again?"

"Because clearly you've forgiven my brother for being a complete asshole, one because you told him about Lilian, and two because you let him mark you so it's not that long until you guys complete the mating process."

"Trust me we won't be doing that anytime soon."

"I'll believe it when you're not fighting the urge to jump on him every second of the day."

"And why would I be doing that?"

"Um I don't know cause usually when a female's been mark she goes into this process called heat and it normally happens quicker to females who are mated to an Alpha."

"Shit." I cussed. "I totally forgot about that."

"You'll thank me later. Now what size are you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well clearly you don't have a big ass so from the looks of it you're probably a small but what's your cup size?"


"Oh my god. What size are you're boobs?"


"You don't know your own bra size?"

"I haven't shopped for myself in forever. It's always been about Lilian and it always will be. I'll always put her first."

"Okay I get it. So from the looks of it you have to be at least a B so here try a 38B." She handed me a stack full of push up bras and pushed me into one of the dressing rooms.

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