Eleven:The Wedding

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Picture of Sara's and Emilie's dresses. (P.S. this is not what Sara and Emilie look like. You can see Emilie in chapter one and Sara on chapter 5.)

I shrugged off that disappointed look on my face and continued walking towards Jake and whoever 'that' is with him.

"Daddy!" Lilian wiggled in my arms, showing that she wanted to be put down.

I put her down and she ran over to Jake where he picked her up and smiled.

"So can you watch her until the wedding's over since you know I kinda..." I gestured around practically saying I couldn't watch Lilian.

"Sure. By the way Em this is Hadley," he gestured to the blonde beside him. "and Hadley this is Emilie and Lilian."

"Hi it's nice to meet you." She said all cheerfully.

"Likewise." I replied, leaving the cheeriness out.

"I don't wike you." Lilian stated. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. She is so my daughter. You know what they say like mother like daughter.

"Well I've gotta go." I said clapping my hands together. "Be good." I pointed at Lilian.

I walked away and headed back towards the dressing room. Stupid Hadley. Why did she have to be all gorgeous and beautiful. No wonder why Jake's interested in her, I mean she's 'that' for crying out loud. She's like a supermodel or something.

I got back to the room where Sara was all dressed up in her wedding dress. She looked amazing!

"Hey so how do I look?" Sara asked.

"Gorgeous!" I squealed.

"Thanks. Now it's time for you to look gorgeous." She pushed me toward the rack where my dress was hanging.

I took off my other clothes and slipped the dress on over my head. It showed off everything it was supposed to and I'm glad.

Sara was curling her hair and I started to curl mine as well. After curling my hair I put it half up and half down.

We applied make up and everything and we were right on time.

"You ready?" my mom asked Sara, entering the room.

"No. Maybe we can postpone the wedding a couple of days. I-"

"Sar," I cut her off. "You'll be fine it's just nerves. And when you get out there just focus on Sam. Pretend like it's just only you and Sam. Well I guess you have to listen to the minister but just you three."

"You're right. I can do this." she smiled as the bridesmaids walked out after the flower girl.

It was my turn and just before I went out I saw Sara talking with her dad. I'm really happy for Sara. She deserves this.

I walked out from behind the wall and started walking down the aisle. I tried avoiding all the stares and camera flashes and just focused on reaching the front of the room.

I took my place with the other bridesmaids. Sam was standing there with a smile on his face and I swear it grew even bigger, if that was even possible, when Sara appeared.

Her dad escorted her down the aisle and I swear Sara was crying, of course happy tears.

The minister began the ceremony with, "We are gathered here to today to celebrate the joining of this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If anyone opposes please speak up now."

There was a long pause cause no one dared to speak up since they know the consequences for intervening in two mates getting married.

"Well then let's continue. Samuel Moore do you take this woman to be you lawfully wedded wife? To love and to honor, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, loving only her as you both shall live?"

"I do." Sam smiled.

"Sara Carter do you take this man to be you lawfully wedded husband? To love and to honor, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, loving only him as you both shall live?"

"I do." Sara smiled back.

"Then Sam please repeat after me, I Samuel Moore,"

"I Samuel Moore,"

"take Sara Carter,"

"take Sara Carter,"

"to be my lawfully wedded wife,"

"to be my lawfully wedded wife,"

"to have and to hold, from this day forward,"

"to have and to hold, from this day forward,"

"for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, all the days of my life."

"for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, all the days of my life." Sam said slipping the ring onto Sara's finger.

"I Sara Carter," the minister said to Sara.

"I Sara Carter,"

"take Samuel Moore,"

"take Samuel Moore,"

"to be my lawfully wedded husband,"

"to be my lawfully wedded husband,"

"to have and to hold, from this day forward,"

"to have and to hold, from this day forward,"

"for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, all the days of my life."

"for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, all the days of my life." Sarah finished slipping the ring onto Sam's finger.

"You may now kiss the bride." the minister said and there was no holding back Sam from this one.

Everyone was clapping and cheering, a couple wolf whistles were made as Sam and Sara exited the room.

If only my life could be like theirs.


Ok so I just wanted to say that I'm starting a new book called "Mate of Mr. Alpha" and I'd really appreciate if you checked it out.

Also I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Don't forget to comment, vote and follow ;)

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