Thirty-Five: The Bonding Ceremony

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Picture of Emilie (again)

"Emilie," a deep throaty voice sang. "Em,"

I opened my eyes and looked up seeing Jake looking down at me. I practically was laying on top of him but he didn't mind in fact he enjoyed it.

"What?" I groaned into his chest.

"You've gotta get up is what."

"No I don't let me go back to sleep."

I tried to roll over to the other side of the bed but Jake just snatched me and pinned me underneath him.

"I said after the ceremony." I giggled at his assault on my neck.

"I can't help it when you're so tempting." He playfully growled and nipped at my neck.

"I'm not even doing anything." I giggled.

"You don't have to. You're always gonna be tempting when you're lying in a bed, my bed to be specific."

"Our bed." I corrected.

"Even better."

He attacked me with kisses again, causing me to squirm and giggle.

"Jake, stop it." I said in between giggles, trying to push him off me.


I started to feel the bile rise just like it did every morning.

"Jake," I said a little more serious. "Jake!"

He finally pulled back after me shoving him. I ran into the bathroom and hurled into the toilet.

My hair was pulled back, obviously by Jake since he was the only one else awake.

When I was completely empty of contents to throw up I flushed the toilet and sat on the lid after I closed it, wiping my mouth.

"Hey you okay?" Jake asked crouching down in front of me.

"Yep. I'm perfectly fine." I lied.

"Em I think we should postpone the ceremony until next month. You're sick and-"

"We're not postponing it." I cut him off. "I'm not sick, I can handle the vommitting. I've been doing just fine and I can keep doing it."

"Been doing just fine? What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Jake began putting the puzzle pieces together.

Shit. I just blew it.

"Are you trying to say that this isn't the first time you've thrown up besides on Lilian's birthday?" Jake asked, getting a little angry.

I sat there looking at the floor in dead silence.

"How many times Emilie?"

"Once a day, sometimes twice." I mumbled still looking at the floor.

He growled and shot up of the ground and began pacing back and forth.

"I'm fine Jake. It's not something you need to get so worked up about-"

"Yes it is Em! You're vommitting everyday! That's not normal especially for a werewolf!"

"Well suck it up Jake. That's what I've been doing so you can too."

"No no I'm taking you to the hospital now."

"No you're not." I shot up as he tried the pull me up. "I'm not going to a damn hospital or anywhere until after the ceremony so that means if you postpone it till next month, then I'm not going to the hospital until next month."

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