Twenty-Five: Hospital Visit

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Picture of Jake's basement (well half of it anyways)


Only thing that was running through my mind was Sam.

What happened? Why is he in the hospital? Is he dying? Is he gonna make it? He has to make it.

"Can't you go any faster?" I asked Jake as he sped down the road to my pack's hospital.

"Em, I'm already going way past the speed limit and remember our daughter is in the back seat."

I laid my head against the head rest and sighed.

Sparks ran from my hand and up my arm as Jake grabbed my hand.

"He's gonna be fine, ok?" Jake tried to assure me.

"I hope so."

We arrived at the pack hospital shortly after and as soon as Jake parked the car, I dashed out of the car and sprinted towards the main doors of the hospital.

"Where is he? Where's Sam?" I rushed out at the receptionist.

"Emilie!" My dad's voice rang out from down the hall. "He's this way."

I ran towards my dad who was walking calmly towards the room. How the hell is he calm about this‽

When I finally caught sight of my mom in one of the rooms I sprinted towards her and into the room where Sam was laying on a hospital bed and Sara in the chair beside him crying.

"What happened? Tell me what happened!" I yelled as I looked over at Sam who had some medical things on his head and neck to keep it from moving.

"We were in the car on our way home and a pickup truck came out of no where and smashed into the drivers side of the car at an intersection." Sara cried. "He's in a coma and they said that there's a sixty-seven percent chance that he might not ever wake up."

"No he has to wake up! He has too!" Tears started running down my cheeks.

"He will sweetheart. Just give him some time." My dad pulled me into his chest as I choked on my tears.


Half an hour later I couldn't bear being in the room any longer, seeing Sam like this, so I went out into the hallway where Jake was sitting on the bench and Lilian coloring in a coloring book on the floor.

"Hey." Jake looked up at me.

"Hey." I weakly replied.

"I saw him through the window and I figured you didn't want Lilian in there so I stayed out here with her."

"Yeah I definitely don't want her in there." I sniffled before sitting down beside him.

"Everything's gonna be okay. I promise." Jake wrapped his arm around me and pulled my legs over his lap.

"How do you know that? What if he doesn't make it? What if-"

"And what if he does? Think of the positive for right now. Thinking negative is only going to make you feel worse about the situation."

"God I can't imagine what Sara's feeling right now. And I don't wanna ever find out."

"Well it's a good thing you won't have to cause I'm not going anywhere for a long time."

"You don't know that. With Sirus out there anything can happen and I don't wanna lose you." My voice cracked and tears started running down my cheeks again.

"Hey look at me." He grabbed my face with his hands and pulled it up to look at him. "I am not going to leave you...ever. You are stuck with me whether you like it or not."

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