Thirty-Seven: And Our Worst Nightmares Come True

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It's been an hour since the explosion and we're still waiting on an update on both Lucas and Jake. The doctors said they should both be fine when they were brought in but we don't know for sure yet.

Both of us were waiting in the waiting room, both of us being Hadley and myself.

Only Hadley was here with me since Lucas is her mate. Everyone else called to see what was happening after they heard the ambulance siren and after I explained everything I made sure they knew not to come because the doctor said everything should be fine and I didn't want everyone in the waiting room worrying.

So it was just the two of us. We were both upset but Hadley was the worst. She was a total wreck. She's already gonna through a box of tissues and I had to hold her back from attacking the one doctor who came to give us an update but said that nothing's changed yet. Thankfully she had fallen asleep ten minutes ago and is still out.

Currently I'm sitting down with my head in my hands, fighting back the tears.

This is all my fault. None of this would've happened if I hadn't left for New York and met Sirus in the first place.

Oh shut up. This isn't our fault. My wolf scolded me. Jake hurt us so we left and we didn't know that we would meet some crazy obsessive lunatic by moving to New York. Don't blame yourself for this.

"Ms. Moore?"

I snapped my head up and saw Dr. Williamson in front of me.

"Jake unfortunately had to undergo surgery since the glass deeper than we first thought. But the good news is that we managed to remove it with no complications and he's now recovering in the Recovery Room."

"Oh thank god." I sighed in relief.

"Any update on Lucas?" Hadley asked, just waking up.

"Unfortunately no they're still trying to remove all the pieces of glass but his vitals are good and he's stable."

"Okay." She mumbled.

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"Sorry but no he's still-"

"Not Lucas. Jake."

All I could focus on was Jake. I mean I'm concerned about Lucas too but my main focus is on Jake.

"Uh yes. He should be waking up soon. Right this way." He gestured his arm out for me to follow him.

I have Hadley an apologetic look before following Dr. Williamson to Jake's room.

He opened up the door to his room and then shut it behind me after I was inside.

There he was unconscious on the bed, hooked up to a machine.

I pulled the chair closer to the bed and sat down, grabbing ahold of his hand.

"Jake." My voice broke. "Jake wake up. Just wake up already."

I leaned forward to kiss his lips then kissed his hand, resting my forehead on his arm after.

I kept dozing off but I couldn't sleep for very long before I jolted awake just to see if Jake was awake yet.

I was about to fall asleep when Jakes arm started moving.

I snapped my head up and saw Jake trying to sit up.

"Hey." I smile weakly at him.

He looked around the room, confused for a second before remembering what had happened.

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