Nine:Day Out

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Picture of Walmart

"So where are we going first?" Jake asked me as I pulled out of his driveway.

"Um I was thinking about going to Walmart first because I need to get a few things and then my mom asked me to get some more things so I was thinking about heading there first. Is that alright?"

"Yeah it's fine with me. I'm just happy you invited me."

"Yeah Sara told me to I should so I did." I said putting emphasis on Sara told me to.

"Oh. Well thanks for listening to her." He sounded a bit sad.

I pulled into a empty parking spot in the Walmart parking lot and got Lilian out of the car.

The three of us made our way into the store, me carrying Lilian until I placed her in the seat attached to the cart.

"So what exactly are you shopping for?" Jake asked me as we made our way down the first isle.

"Well for starters food that Lilian will actually eat. All that my parents have that'll she'll eat is breakfast food and fruit."

"So what exactly does she eat?"


"Mac n cheese!" she cut me off.

"Mac n cheese?" he said to Lilian in a playful tone.

"Yeah." she giggled.

I threw a couple of boxes of mac n cheese in the cart along with some others things that were in that isle and then headed to the next one.

"So Emilie what's your favorite food?" Jake asked me.

"Mac n cheese!" Lilian exclaimed.

"You like Mac n cheese too?" he smiled.

"Yeah but it's not my favorite." I answered. "My favorite would probably have to be pizza. Probably just because it's just easy to make."

"My favorite food would have to be hamburgers."

We went down more and more isles which resulted in me throwing more stuff in the cart and Lilian trying to convince me that we should get candy. That resulted in me telling her no and her pouting and all this time you want to know what Jake was doing. Asking me questions about myself. What are we playing twenty questions or something?

"So what do you normally do in your free time." he asked another question. Ok now I'm getting annoyed.

"Okay one, I don't have any free time because I have a two and a half year old and two, I asked you to tag along today for you to get to know Lilian, not for you to get to know me. So why don't you ask her twenty million questions and not me." I snapped, grabbing a package of pull ups off the shelf.

"Look I'm just trying to be-"

"What? A good mate?" I cut him off. "If you really wanted to be a good mate you shouldn't have did what you did and do you really think getting to know me is going to make up for it?"

"Well you never know because every time I try and get to know something about you, you shut me down or come up with an excuse to leave." He started to get worked up too.

"Well excuse me for trying to save myself from getting my heart broken and rejected again. Because no mater what you say or do, you will still be that guy that you were three years ago. The guy that toys with girls emotions then breaks their heart five minutes later. Because that's what I have to say to myself to save myself from getting hurt. Because when I think for the slightest second you've changed, yeah I actually want to forget all you said and all you did and give you a second chance. I want to forget all that you did, all that you said, I really do but I can't Jake. Because deep down inside I know you don't want that commitment. I know you don't want to be tied down with one girl and I definitely know you don't want to be tied down with a kid. So why are you pretending? Just go and live your life like you want, go to parties, get drunk, have sex with whoever you want, just stop trying to act like you care or actually give a damn about me or about Lilian. Just leave and don't bother coming back." And with that I turned and walked away.

I finished getting everything I came here for and went to the check out. I checked out and so far I haven't seen Jake after what I said, which I'm glad about, I just was sure he wouldn't listen to me.

I got to my car and put all the shopping bags and Lilian in the car, as well as myself and started to drive home.

I wasn't really in the mood anymore to show Lilian anything else today. We'll just have to take a rain check.

Speaking of rain it started to rain on the drive home so when I got there I had to literally run in the house carrying Lilian. She hates getting wet which is the reason why she always fights me on when she needs to take a bath.

"Hey your home early wait skip that just how did it go?" Sara asked me wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"I told him to back off and he did." I walked into the kitchen after turning on the tv for Lilian.

"What? What did he do now do I need to kill him for you. Can I?"

"No Sar all he did was try and get to know me and I don't want him to."

"Why not. It's shows he's actually trying to make an effort and regrets what he did."

"Exactly. I don't want him to make an effort. I don't want him to regret it because then I'll start trying to make an effort and I just can't do it again. I don't think I'd be able to go through all of it again if he decides to reject me again. And yes I know I just said again like ten times but I don't care."

I walked up the stair and into my room to change into something sweats and a tee.

I began to take off my sweater when I heard, "Not that I haven't seen it all already I don't think you would want me to see it again."

I turned around and saw Jake standing by my window.

"How the hell did you get in?" I snapped.

"Calm down I just came to make a delivery." He said walking closer.

"To who?"

"To you." He pulled a white envelope out of his back pocket and gave it to me. "This should cover the past three years of Lilian's life. All the expenses and all the child support that you had to pay yourself, here's my half. Look I really am trying to change not just for Lilian but for you too. I really do want both of you in my life so no matter how many times you tell me to leave or that you hate me, I won't. I'm not going to give up on you Em. Not now, not ever."

He kissed my forehead then vanished through the window like he was never here.



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