Fourteen: Awkward Moment

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Picture of snow

I woke up with my head resting on something hard. I opened my eyes and saw I was laying on someone's hard toned chest.

I looked up and saw Jake sleeping. What the hell is here doing here and why is he in my bed!

I looked down and thank god I was still in clothes so we didn't do that last night. But still what did we do? The last thing I remember is watching Frozen with Lilian.

I looked over and saw Lilian peacefully sleeping in her bed, laying on her stomach with her mouth slightly open.

I decided to get up from the bed, trying to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake up Jake and have to deal with this awkward conversation. Of course it was bound to happen eventually but at least I'll have some time to think over what I'm going to say to him.

I crept out of the room silently and downstairs into the kitchen.

"Well look who finally up. Did you have a nice time last night?" Sara teased as a grabbed a cup of coffee.

"Yes actually I did. Lilian and I had a great time."

"I mean with Jake you idiot."

"Yeah here's the thing, I don't remember him being here last night. All I remember is falling asleep on the couch with Lilian while watching Frozen. Is that a bad thing?"

"Oh my god I swear if her raped you I'll kill him." She threatened.

"No I don't think that's what happened. Obviously he came over last night and something happened and he ended up spending the my"

"Well go find out and if it's not a good reason then I'll kick his balls."

"What's a good reason?"

"Like if you guys finally professed your love for one another and decided to get married and have another baby."

"Yeah I'm definitely sure that did not happen last night but I'll go find out." I said walking back up the stairs.

I entered my room and both Lilian and Jake were both asleep. Since I was sent up here to get an answer from Jake I guess I'll just have to wake him up.

"Jake." I said shaking him. "Jake get up."

"What?" He groaned siting up and rubbing his eyes.

"What are you doing my bed...sleeping with me still in it?"

"Last night you asked me to stay with you and I guess I fell asleep."

"What? When were you here?"

"I came over after the reception to say goodnight to Lilian and you two were both asleep on the couch so I carried you two up here and you said and I quote 'don't leave me alone' and you scooted over in the bed so excuse me for taking that as a sign to get in the bed with you. I'll just leave." He grabbed his jacket off my chair and started to leave.

"Wait Jake. Sorry that I did that last night. I was tired and probably didn't know what I was saying. I didn't mean to make things awkward."

"It's okay Em. It wasn't all your fault. And also there's nothing going on with me and Hadley. She's just a friend and that's all she'll ever be, a friend. We both know who I'm in love with and that's never going to change."

With that he jumped out of my window and left me with that. He loved me? Do I love him? Of course I do I-I just-it's to soon right now. But I hope soon I'll be able to forget the past.


After lunch I put the dishes in the dishwasher and then went into the living room.

Just as I sat down Lilian came running over to me.

"Momma can we go outside?" She asked jumping up and down.

"Outside for what?" I asked, picking her up and setting her on my lap.


"You want to play outside?"

"Yes." She smiled.

"Of course you do." I stood up. "Only you would pick the coldest days to go play outside." I mumbled.

Yeah today is a freezing cold day. It's only twenty-three degrees out. Yeah sure we're werewolves and we're normally not cold but even on freezing cold days we can get sorta of a chill running through our bodies.

I put snow pants, a coat, gloves, a hat, boots and a scarf all on Lilian. At first she complained that she was hot but once we got outside, she was fine.

I grabbed my camera right before we went outside just so I could get some pictures of Lilian playing in the snow.

I took some pictures of her playing in it and then some of her eating it. After an hour we went back inside and made some hot chocolate.

She wanted to finish the rest of Frozen since we fell asleep last night so I put it in and she curled up on my lap.

I know this is exactly how we fell asleep last time but it's not going to happen again.

Well at least for me anyway. Half an hour into it she was lightly snoring into my stomach so I shut off the tv and carried her up to our room.

And you will not believe what I saw...


Cliffhanger guys! What do you think is going to happen? Are you guys excited? Tell me your thoughts by clicking on the comment box down below.

Until next time...

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