Chapter 10: Differences in Love

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*Marinette's P.O.V*
"I'm fine, Alya. I promise." That was a lie. She knew it was a lie. My heart was broken. I'd lost the one person I loved so desperately to a girl no one saw coming. I thought Chloe was a problem, or maybe Kagami, but Y/N? She came out of the blue.

"I know how you might feel right now but it's important to stay positive. You know Hawk Moth is just waiting for you to slip." Alya warned. I shuddered.

"How is that even possible, Alya?! Adrien is head over heels for this girl and...I'm head over heels for him. And I'm angry at her when this isn't her fault." I said sadly, plopping down in my chair, looking at all the pictures of Adrien in my room. Alya put her hands on hips.

"Definitely no good being angry with her. She's a great person. Maybe you two just need to talk." She suggested. The thought of looking at her made me wince. Every time I see her face I think of how they were hugging in Adrien's room. How I yelled at her for helping others. Of course, I couldn't tell anybody that.

"I have to go. Nora is texting me nonstop cause I'm not home." Alya said putting down her phone. "Will you be okay?"

I nodded my head and gave her a small wave as she left. Tikki popped out of my purse and sat on my desk.

"She's right, Marinette. It's not good to be so sad." Tikki's little voice said. "This girl seems nice, but you were really mean." I sighed while hearing her talk. She was right. I felt terrible for it, but when I know she's around Adrien I flip.

"It's not that easy, Tikki.." I picked off a picture of Adrien from my wall. Knowing that someone else loved him didn't make me love him any different. But how could I be mad that someone was taking the person that was never even mine?

*Y/N's P.O.V.*
Right now I was on the rooftop of a building, drinking a glass of water and enjoying the sunlight and breeze. It was nice to forget about everything going on.

"Well, I certainly didn't receive an invite to this party." Cat Noir said standing on the ledge of the building. I smirked.

"This party is V.I.P. only. No animals allowed." I stated, watching as he came closer.

"No animals allowed? That's pretty heartless."

"Let me rephrase that then: No cats allowed."

Cat Noir rolled his eyes. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, leading me to the edge of the rooftop.

"Ever wonder what it's like to be me?" He said looking at the horizon.

"Pfft, no- Hey! Put me down!" Cat Noir picked me up and secured his grip on me.

"Hold on tight!" He jumped off the building, using his staff to help us get around.

"This isn't funny! Stop it!" I screamed, shutting my eyes.

"You're missing everything! Stop being a scaredy cat!" He called out laughing. I opened my eyes a peep and saw us passing buildings quickly. He propelled us high enough to see Paris from above. It was beautiful.

"You're crazy!" I yelled. A smile formed on my face as he ran. He stopped on a building and set me down. We were near the school.

"Look, we met right here." He said holding me close.

"Yeah, I also got knocked out because you suck at doing your job." I angrily pushed him.

"Easy! We're not exactly on the floor!"

"Don't cats have nine lives?" I raised a brow. Cat Noir made a face that said don't test him. Laughing, I grabbed a hold of his ro-

"No! Don't touch it! This is some real Cat Noir exclusive stuff. You can't just go around grabbing a man's- You're doing it again! Paws off the-" I clicked a button on the metal staff and watched as it extended up into the air.

"Wow. This is fun!" I exclaimed. He brought the staff back to his height and pulled me close. I felt his warm breath on my ear.

"You haven't experienced the half of it." 


My day with Cat Noir was the amazing. We had to cut it though because he was pushing it close to detransformation. We mostly laughed and joked around, flirting when we weren't.

Being around Cat Noir felt right to me. I was safe and always in the best mood. He brought out a flirtatious side that I didn't know I had. I felt bolder with him. We could do just about anything together and never get tired of it. It was like I'd known him forever. We had a strong connection. It was very different with Adrien.


My heart skipped a beat when I thought about him. Although it was difficult to be with him, every moment we had felt unreal. He was gentle, caring, and sweet. Everything was tender and pure. New and needing to be explored.

Both of these boys made me feel whole. Complete. Making contact with them was like a shockwave through my body. It was crazy that two totally different people made me feel the same way. I felt loved. Could there be differences in love when it all felt the same in the end?

The love I had for Adrien was the same love I had for Cat Noir, but these were two opposites. So why did it feel like I was loving the same person?

"Love is confusing."

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