Chapter 18: Reasonable Suspicion

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**A/N: Seeing comments makes me happy. It's nice to read and laugh at them. :))


This was extremely awkward. Mr. Agreste obviously didn't expect my presence, nor did he like it. Adrien was oblivious to the feelings that his dad and me had towards this situation. I was just holding a fork in my hand, staring at the food on my plate because it was hard to look anywhere else.

"I'm really happy you're here, father. Y/N and I were pleasantly surprised." Adrien said. Now, I wouldn't say I was pleasantly surprised. Just.. surprised. I looked up at Adrien, trying to telepathically tell him not to mention me.

"What do you want with my son?" Mr. Agreste said. His voice made me highly uncomfortable. And what kind of question was that?!

"I beg your pard-?" I began to say, but he looked at me dead in the eyes, making me stop. My fork was now feeling my death grip.

On his cheek was a suspicious mark that could be easily mistaken as a smile line or wrinkle, but I looked closer. It seemed like he had something on his face to help cover it up. Being this close definitely helped me examine him thoroughly. Adrien looked between me and his dad confused. I forced myself to keep eye contact with Mr. Agreste.

"Let me rephrase the question: Why are you friends with my son? Is it for personal gain? Hoping to get close to him to get to me?" Mr. Agreste asked, almost seeming to refer to something else as he spoke the last question. My blood boiled. Was this guy serious?

'Don't flatter yourself.' My brain wanted me to say. I wanted nothing do with him. There was only one other person who made me this angry. I straightened up and tried my best to focus on his eyes.

"You want to know why I am friends with your son? Well-!"

"She saved my life, father!" Adrien blurted out. I saved his life? Mr. Agreste and I looked at him confused. Well, I was confused. Mr. Agreste was curious, forgetting whatever speech I had planned for him.

"Uh, you see, we met at school when there was an akumatized person. She risked her safety to help me." Adrien explained. I guess Adrien could tell it wasn't going well for me. He had to make up a lie that would appease his dad. Mr. Agreste looked down at his plate, his hands going from two fists to laying flat on the table. He straightened himself and turned to me.

"Forgive me, then. You see, I only want the best for my son. He doesn't need distractions." Mr. Agreste said, trying to make it seem like an apology, but his ego was too big to let him say, 'I'm sorry'.

I nodded, like it was fine, but something about him really set me off and I wanted to find out why. Mr. Agreste fixed his striped tie, then stood up.

"Excuse me, I have an important meeting soon. I must leave this once. Adrien, you will see your friend out when breakfast is over. You have a busy day ahead of you." Mr. Agreste said, exiting the dining room. Adrien made a disappointed face and put his head down. I couldn't figure out what to say to him.


"That should do it." I said, finishing the drawing of Hawk Moth's eyes best I could from memory. I got the color down perfectly. How could I forget what they looked like when they haunted the depths of my brain?

They stared back at me on the paper, taunting me. There was no real name to them and it sucked. Whoever Hawk Moth is was good at hiding.

I began to draw Mr. Agreste's eyes, trying to detail them exactly how I saw them this morning. After a bit of struggling, and lots of erasing, I finished. All I had to do was add some color.

Maybe I was a horrible person for suspecting Adrien's dad as Hawk Moth, but meeting him today gave me reasonable suspicion.

I whipped Hawk Moth a while back in the same area as the mark on Mr. Agreste's face. They have the same facial structure, stature, and eyes despite the color. If Adrien found out I thought his father was Hawk Moth, he'd be devastated.. and probably hate me.

I checked the time. It was now 10:39 p.m.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I turned to look at my window and saw a figure looking at me with a goofy grin. I crossed my arms and walked over to the window, opening it, but stopping Cat Noir from entering.

"Were you spying on me?" I asked him. He leaned in close, ignoring my question.

"You owe me something." He said, smiling flirtatiously. I scrunched my face, making him laugh.

"C'mon, my sweet! You promised me a date under the Paris stars!" He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of my room.

"Right now?!" I yelled, as he helped me up to the roof. As he pushed me forward, my eyes fell onto the little display in front of me.

In the middle of the rooftop was a blanket with one big pillow. There was a basket with my favorite flowers. Walking closer, I saw there was little sweets inside the basket. Very expensive treats. What did Cat Noir do to afford these?

"Aaand we have this to enjoy as well." Cat Noir said, standing close behind me and directing my eyes to the sky above. There was a full moon casting its light down on us, and bright, scattered stars twinkling. I was a sucker for it all.

"I'll admit that I'm impressed." I said, turning to the masked hero behind me. He smirked.

"Who isn't impressed by me?" He replied. My smile turned to an unamused look.

"Kidding, hehe." He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the blanket, quickly ripping into a sweet. Cat Noir sat beside me, bringing his knees to his chest. He happily watched me.

"We're star gazing. Not me gazing." I said, laying back on one side of the pillow.

"I don't mind either." Cat Noir said, laying back next to me, putting his arm around me quickly before I could protest.

"Sneaky cat." I laughed. Cat Noir sighed happily.

"Thought you'd swat me away." He said. I looked up at the stars, smiling to myself, and snuggling close to Cat Noir.

"Not tonight, my little pest." I replied. I could see Cat Noir make a face at me, but his expression softened into a smile. He rested his head against mine, and looked up at the stars. Tonight couldn't get any better.

*Adrien's P.O.V.*
Y/N fell asleep in my arms while we were talking and looking at the stars. The moon was shining on her, making her look even more beautiful than she already was. She looked so peaceful.

I carefully stood up, carrying her in my arms. As much as I wanted to stay out with her all night, I needed to get home. I promised Plagg a big piece of camembert.

I entered the window to her room and looked around. Y/N's room was small, but nicely decorated to her liking. I could smell her perfume in the air.

I placed her into bed carefully, went to grab the blanket and pillow I brought, and made her as comfortable as I could. I stood back, admiring her a bit longer.

I glanced at her desk to get the time from her clock, but noticed a paper on her desk. I don't mean to snoop, but..

"Woah..oops!" I whispered as I pretended to stumble over something. I 'tripped' over to her desk and caught myself. Looking closer, I noticed that it was two pairs of eyes on the paper. One was colored, the other sketched out. They looked identical.

Each was labeled. The first pair of eyes was marked Hawk Moth. That made sense. Y/N did tell us all about his eyes. The second pair was labeled: G.A. ?

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