Chapter 19: Power

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*Y/N's P.O.V.*
When I woke up for school, I was wrapped in a nice blanket and laying on a large pillow. I stared at my ceiling with a smile, remembering last night. I fell asleep on Cat Noir...on our 'date'.

While getting ready, I couldn't help but think about Adrien. What if he found out about me and Cat Noir? Would he be hurt that I was with another guy? Oh gosh, Adrien would probably see me as a girl of the streets!

But I wasn't. I didn't belong to Adrien or Cat Noir. I was just exploring my options as a single woman. Yeah, that's perfectly acceptable. Except, I still felt bad.

Shaking my head, I checked the time. The clock on my desk said it was time for me to get going. I gathered my books and placed them in my book bag. Something was missing. My drawing was no longer on my desk. Did Cat Noir take it?

I looked around my room and frowned. Well, he could've asked. I wasn't done yet. I wanted to bring that to Ladybug and open a secret investigation on Gabriel Agreste, or as I kind of suspect: Hawk Moth.

I walked to school, running over the evidence in my head. Adrien's dad wasn't around much, meaning he had a lot of time to be doing evil stuff in private. The mark on his face had to have been from my thin whip. His voice, his face, his everything made him a prime suspect. And he was hiding behind a glamorous designer façade.

As I was walking up the steps of school, something grabbed me. My first instinct was to throw my hands up for a fight.

"Hey! No need for that." Adrien said, cautiously bringing my fists down. He smiled at me. The moment those green eyes met mine, guilt washed over me. I'm really thinking this poor boy's dad was the villain terrorizing Paris. He was just a father protecting his son. Maybe I was jumping to conclusions.

No, Y/N. You have evidence, don't rule Mr. Agreste out just because of Adrien.

But it was Adrien... Sweet, confident, lovable Adrien. His father couldn't be Hawk Moth. Just like he couldn't be Cat Noir.

"Hello?" Adrien asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I shook my head, batting away my heart's hope and my brain's logic. I smiled, trying to act normal.

"Uh, we should get to class." Adrien said, walking alongside me. He could tell I was acting weird. We entered the school, then made our way into the classroom.

I walked to the back of the class, my thoughts quickly coming back for round 2. I placed my stuff at my side and stared ahead, not noticing Adrien watching me worriedly from his seat.

If Mr. Agreste was Hawk Moth, then what would I do? Ruin Adrien's life by telling him his dad is a monster? Risk Paris losing two superheroes because Hawk Moth was too much?

I began fumbling with the necklace Adrien gave me, shaking my leg nervously. And what if Adrien was Cat Noir? Would that solve my boy problems? Or ruin everything we've created thus far?

I know Cat Noir doesn't want me to know his identity. He makes a big deal of it that I never find out. If I did, would that mean the end?

A hand touched my shoulder lightly. I was snapped out of my thoughts. All of the questions in my head vanishing like a ghost. I looked to see who sat next to me. Of course, Adrien.

I bit my lip. Adrien was just Adrien. No one else. He wouldn't lie to me about being a whole other person... Would he?

"You don't look well. Are you okay?" Adrien asked softly. His mellow voice made my heart skip a beat and the pit in my stomach grow larger. My brain replayed all the moments that made me wonder if Adrien was Cat Noir, and vice versa.

There was too many coincidences, too many times that made me believe they were the same person. My thoughts were beginning to circle around my head, wrapping around like a rope. My brain felt like it was being constricted.

I put my hands on my head, trying to squeeze out every thought I had. I could feel tears forming, but not because I was sad. I was frustrated because nothing made sense. The full truth was begging to be released, but the enormity of it could cause my world to crumble completely.

"Y/N..." I could hear Adrien say. My emotions were hitting me all at once. Something inside me was festering.

Adrien walked away, quickly going to talk to Mrs. Bustier. She nodded, looking in my direction. Adrien came back to my side, pulling me down the classroom briskly. All eyes were on me making me feel worse. These people all had secrets, they were all probably lying through their teeth everyday.

I turned to Adrien, my tears finally falling. He had secrets, too, that he would never tell me.

We were inside the locker room now. Adrien looked around, making sure no one else was here. His face had worry written all over it.


"Would you ever lie to me?" I asked, cutting Adrien off before he could say more. He looked surprised, but stared me straight in the eyes.

"No, I would never lie to anyone." He answered. His voice was full of sincerity. I believed him.

"Would you admit the truth to what I ask?" I questioned, my hand curling into a fist. Adrien noticed and took a small step towards me.

"Of course." He said, his voice wavering slightly. The vibe between us was shifting angrily.

"Tell me the truth: Who are you Adrien Agreste?" My voice sliced through the thick air. Adrien slowly put his hands up.

"Y/N, please... Remember the promise we made?" He asked softly. It was like my brain shut off and my heart clicked on.

Of course I remembered our promise. Adrien was concerned for me. He didn't want to see me feeling any type of negative emotion. Our promise came from a place of love.

Then I remembered what else was said. Just like that, my thoughts were back. He didn't want me ruining Cat Noir's life if I turned into a villain. Adrien wasn't concerned for me. He was worried about himself. Scared that I would uncover the truth.

I felt something take over my whole body. My inner self was trying to crawl out of the darkness enveloping me. I was screaming within me, reaching towards the fading light, but my body was still. My senses were overwhelmed with a whole different feeling: Power.

Adrien shot me a disheartening look, then bolted out of the room. In mere seconds, I was gone. Someone else was in control.

"Verity, everyone around you is full of lies. They betray your trust and hide the truth that you so desperately crave. I will grant you the power to uncover the truth about everything you desire. All you have to do is find Ladybug and Cat Noir, and bring me their miraculous!"

"Yes, Hawk Moth."

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