Chapter 26: Dating Situation

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Nope, not a dream at all. Adrien and I were dating.

Well, technically, Cat Noir. And Ladybug saw it become official. None of us knew what to say or do in the moments after. Eventually, the beeping from Cat Noir's and Ladybug's miraculous snapped us all out of it. We all left in confused silence.

I was at home now, laying on my bed, wrapped up in a blanket, and having a crisis. Is this how having a boyfriend should feel?

My phone started ringing and I saw Alya's name and face pop up on my screen. I grabbed the phone and brought it to my ear.

"You were with Ladybug and Cat Noir today?!" Alya squealed. I stayed quiet and nodded my head slowly.

"Um, yeah.. how did you know?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hello! It's Ladybug and Cat Noir! You're on the news, girl!" She said. My eyes widened in horror.


"See for yourself! You totally have to give me an exclusive interview-!"

"Can't talk right now! Having a heart attack!" I yelled, quickly hanging up the phone. I searched online for Ladybug and Cat Noir updates and found a recent video.

And there it was: Our faces plastered on the screen.

"Breaking News: Superhero Cat Noir has a girlfriend! All the details and video to prove it!" The news reporter said excitedly as the screen flashed a video from a weird angle of Cat Noir asking if I could be his girlfriend.

I slapped my hand over my mouth. How could we have been so oblivious to others around us?!

Then, my phone started going crazy. Messages and calls started coming through from all of my friends. I dismissed everything as quickly as I could, but as I was about to shut off my phone, Adrien's name popped up on my screen.

I answered quickly and heard him sigh.

"Hellooo.." I said quietly into the phone. "I just wanna say I didn't do anything wrong."

"Nathalie and my father are going crazy talking about more security. And I'm already being watched 24/7. What were you doing?"

"Adrien, I have to be completely honest with you." I took a deep breath and swallowed. He had the right to know about his father.

"You want to learn more about my father to get him to like you, but sneaking around his office is not the way to do it." Adrien said.

My mouth hung open and I slapped my hand against my forehead. I felt my stomach drop. A confused little sound escaped my mouth. Is he serious?

"You're so wrong it physically pains me." I said.

Adrien laughed, blowing off my remark. I groaned, gripping the phone tighter in my hand.

"Seriously, Y/N, I know it's cool having a superhero boyfriend. I mean, I'm a pretty great guy, but that doesn't give you a pass to go through people's things. Especially my father's." Adrien said.

"Your Cat Noir is showing." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Well, you are dating him." Adrien laughed.

"I'm dating you." I said. Adrien stayed quiet, but then I heard a happy sigh.

"I'm really glad you are." Adrien said. I smiled and felt a blush creep up on my face.

Adrien and I stayed on the phone until it was time for bed. It was nice to talk and listen to him ramble on about different topics I'm sure he didn't get to talk much about with anyone else.

Falling for TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora