Chapter 9: Tension

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"...Ladybug was first on the sce-" I shut off my tv and slung my bag over my shoulder. Hearing about Ladybug made me feel bad. It was the day after she got angry at me for helping and I was still not over it.

It was a Friday, which I was thankful for. I wanted to hide out all weekend and sulk. Today's outfit consisted of Adrien's shirt (a long sleeve white t-shirt with a black graphic design in front), a pair of shorts and black sheer leggings, and high tops. I guess I looked pretty good.

On my way to school, I saw Alya and Nino. They saw me and smiled while making their way over.

"You look great today, Y/N!" Alya said looking at my clothes.

"I don't feel so great.. but thank you!" I replied. Alya gave me hopeful smile and squeezed my shoulder.

"Cheer up, Y/N. With that shirt, I'd feel like a million bucks." Nino laughed. I was confused and I guess they caught it.

"You're wearing a shirt modeled by the Adrien Agreste. Our friend Adrien? You remember him? That shirt sold out quick once people saw him in all the magazines." Alya stated.

"And man was it pricy!" Nino added. I must've made an even more puzzled face because they both laughed.

"Here, check this out." Alya passed me her phone, showing a website for a famous company. There was pictures of Adrien. In one of the images, it was there on full display. Adrien posing and smiling wearing the same shirt I was wearing.

It hadn't hit me that this was the first time I was seeing Adrien doing his modeling. Until now. I was surprised. He looked like a pro.

"Where did you even get it?" Nino said kicking a rock ahead of us. I squeezed the strap of my bag nervously.

"Well, cranberry juice got on my shirt and.. I needed a new one, so um.. Adrien?"

Nino and Alya both looked at me full of surprise. Their mouths were hanging open. I waited for a response but no one said anything. We made it into the classroom and Nino finally spoke up.

"I didn't even get a shirt... and I'm his best friend!" Nino said to Alya. Alya stopped me before I walked to my seat.

"I just wanna say one thing: I love you and whatever happens in the future I fully support. However, you must be aware that I will not be a part of this and will remain fully neutral." She said seriously, looking me in the eyes. "Marinette has a.. a thing for Adrien. A big thing. You are both my closest friends, but I will not be caught in the middle."

I blinked once, not fully comprehending her words. Caught in the middle of what? This was just a high school crush. Marinette won't be too upset, right?

"Adrien and I are just friends..." I said thinking about our almost kiss and secret hand hold last night. "She'll be okay right?"

Alya and Nino held their breath, glancing at each other, then back at me.

"We'll make sure she is." Alya finally answered.

"Yeah, wouldn't want an akuma flying around here." Nino said. Alya jabbed him with his elbow.

"An akuma flying where?" A voice entered in. We all turned and saw Marinette at the door. Her eyes went from Nino, to Alya, and to me. But when she saw me her face fell. For what reason, I didn't know.

"Y/N, I have to..." she stopped as her eyes trailed down to my shirt. It was like something in her snapped. She smiled, very forcefully. You could tell she was gritting her teeth. Her hands balled up and her face was turning a bright red. Alya quickly grabbed her and ushered her out.

I looked at Nino for an answer. He just stared at me bug eyed and sat in his seat. He made a lock and key motion over his mouth. I groaned and walked up to my seat. I put my stuff on the floor and sat down. I put my head down and angrily shook my leg.

Was liking Adrien making me mess up friendships? The look Marinette had in her eyes reminded me of Ladybug, adding onto my misery. The tension was rising.

"Ahem.. Y/N?" I looked up and saw Alya and Nino. They offered me apologetic smiles. Behind them I saw Adrien enter. The first thing he saw was me. My face turned red. Alya and Nino followed my gaze.

Adrien made his way up and stood between Alya and Nino. His eyes never left me. His facial expression showed his complete attention to me. In his eyes was something I couldn't describe. I didn't know it, but Nino and Alya took one look at him and knew. They shared a look only they could understand and began to walk away.

"What's wrong?" Adrien asked calmly. He took a seat next to me and set his stuff down. I caught him looking at my outfit and smiling, blushing a bit.

"Do you think ever since I got here things have changed? Maybe... for worse?" I asked. Adrien looked at me stunned.

"Where is this coming from? No, I don't think so. Everything got so much better when you arrived. Everyone loves you here." He said.

Marinette walked in the room. She caught me looking at her. Caught Adrien looking at me. The air in the room felt heavy. I had a knot in my stomach. She sat next to Alya. I know Alya was trying her best to keep Marinette calm. I think we all knew how badly things could turn with a villain out there who thrives on negativity.

"Not everyone." I mumbled. Adrien shook his head, hearing what I said.

"Whoever doesn't is weird. Cause you're amazing.." he said pulling out his books.

"I guess at this point I'm just trying not to get akumatized. Imagine that? Me, a villain. Maybe I'd be a cool one." I laughed. Adrien didn't reply or add anything to that. He looked uncomfortable.

"I would get to kick Cat Noir's butt for being such a flirt... and give Ladybug a piece of my mind..." I added the last part quietly. Adrien gripped his books hard.

"You'd be putting everyone in danger. Yourself included. Letting your emotions take control of you shows weakness." He spit out. "Your main goal would be to steal their miraculous. You'd ruin m- Cat Noir's life and Ladybug's."

We were quiet. I'd never heard Adrien get upset like that. He kept his composure, but his voice told you everything you needed to know. He got his point across clearly.

"Promise you'll stay strong... Won't let your negativity get the best of you." Adrien's tone didn't shift. He was serious. I nodded my head.

"I promise."

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