Chapter 29: Dark Wings

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**A/N: I've been a horrible author to you all and I owe you a big apology. (I'm super duper sorry!) It's been a little rough on my end, but here's an update. (Finally!) It's going to be a Third Person P.O.V. chapter. I'm sorry for the wait. Thank you for your patience. Stay safe everyone! :')


A phone call snapped Y/N out of the moment. She silently thanked whoever was calling. Adrien frowned and turned his head away.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N! I know you and Adrien left a while ago, but we miss you already. We'll keep partying on for you two!" Alya happily said into the phone.

"Thanks.. Merry Christmas to you too!" Y/N said, trying her best to put on a cheery voice. She hung up and checked the time. It was exactly 12 o' clock.

"It sure is cold, huh?" Y/N said nervously. Her hands rubbed together to create heat. Adrien turned to her and began to take off his coat. She stood there beside him, unsure what to do.

Adrien draped his coat over Y/N's shoulders. His warmth immediately enveloping her. She smiled and thanked him softly. Adrien nodded his head, but still didn't speak. Y/N knew he was expecting an answer.

"I wouldn't hide anything from you," Y/N said while closing her eyes, hoping this wouldn't end in disaster. "Because you wouldn't hide anything from me. You shared your deepest secret with me... I think it's time I share mine with you."

"Y/N? What do you-?"

"I think your dad is Hawk Moth." Y/N quickly said, cutting Adrien off before the fear in her caused her to retreat.

Adrien stared at Y/N with wide eyes. Gears were turning in his head. He was processing each word carefully. Then his eyes fell. Disbelief flashed upon his face.

"You're joking.." Adrien said softly. His voice was at the borderline of pain.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I wouldn't lie to you about this," Y/N said, trying to make him connect the dots. "Do you remember when you first saw Hawk Moth? His eyes? Because when I look at Gabriel I see HIS eyes. I wanted to find out if it was true. Why do you think I was snooping around his office in the first place?"

"Stop it. You're talking about my father, Y/N. You don't know what he's like. What he's been through." Adrien yanked the coat off her shoulders. The cool air instantly bit Y/N's skin.

"Adrien, listen to me. We can figure this out, but you have to believe me." Y/N said, tears threatening to fall. She'd never seen Adrien like this and it was horrible to witness.

"What if he had very valid reasons for everything that made you suspicious? How would you feel if a stranger went through all your stuff? What if he's in just in pain and your blaming an innocent man?" Adrien asked.

"Adrien, if he is in pain, then he's making the rest of Paris feel what he feels by being Hawk Moth. There's no need to hurt others because you're hurt." Y/N said, using his words to her advantage.

Adrien looked down slowly, clearly hurt by Y/N. He looked small and fragile. Y/N wanted to hold him and make him feel better, but there was no way she could.

Adrien, a.k.a. Cat Noir, had a purpose: Protect Paris from evil, and that evil was Hawk Moth, a.k.a. Gabriel Agreste.

"Did you only start dating me to get to my father?" Adrien said, his voice breaking. Y/N felt her heart being ripped out of her chest.

"No, I started dating you because I love you." Y/N said, reaching for Adrien. He dodged her grasp and refused to meet her eyes. Y/N's stomach flipped unpleasantly. Adrien didn't believe a word she said.

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