Chapter 5: Bug-A-Boo

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A month had gone by since I started school in Paris. I had great friends and each day that went by I got closer to each and everyone. Adrien especially.

Although it was hard to make plans and talk to him since he was so busy, we did our best to spend time together with friends. Most of the time, he couldn't make it out because of his father and busy schedule, but when we did see each other it was time that I cherished.

Today was Saturday and I was sitting under a tree at the park, admiring the peaceful waterfall. The breeze blew around me gently and the birds chirped beautifully. Nothing could ruin today.

"You there! Sitting peacefully under that tree! You will serve as my minion and help me capture Ladybug and Cat Noir! Together, we will defeat all the competition in my business!" An angry voice yelled.

A man in a pinstripe suit with light gray skin was standing feet away from me. Behind him was a company building crumbling to pieces. Trailing behind the man was a group of people who looked like they were under some sort of spell. The man had jeweled rings on his fingers and pointy, black shoes. In his hand was a pen and and clipboard. He didn't seem too scary.

"I am CEO Destructor! We will wreak havoc on these businesses and rise to the top! But first, I need a pet." He clicked his pen. "Your position shall be: Assistant. You will do everything I order you to do!" He pointed his pen at me and it started glowing.

I quickly jumped out of the way and darted behind the fountain as a beam shot at the bench I was just sitting at.

"Come on! I was just trying to relax!"

"Get her!" Destructor pointed in my direction and the people behind him started running towards me. I quickly took off my shoe and threw it at CEO Destructor in an attempt to knock the pen out of his hand. The shoe hit him in the face and his eyes now showed rage. He pointed the pen at me again and shot another beam.

I leaped out of the way and scrambled to my feet. I felt something whip around me and fling me through the air. I screamed my heart out expecting to crash land to my doom, but I never felt the floor.

Instead, I felt arms gripping me and slowly helping me to my feet. I looked up and smiled in relief.

"Ladybug! Thank you!" I exclaimed. She smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't mention it. It's what I do. Now where is that darn cat?!" She said swinging her yo-yo.

"Don't worry, Bug-a-boo, your kitty has arrived." Cat Noir said from behind. I looked back and saw as he flirtatiously smiled at Ladybug. Then he looked at me. And then he did a double take.

"Wait, wait. What are you doi-" Cat Noir started.

"No time!" Ladybug smiled and gave me a light shove. "You go find a safe place to hide and we'll come get you! Come on, Cat!" She swung away and Cat Noir looked at me awkwardly. He didn't say anything, but quickly followed behind.

I ran behind a building and into an alleyway. I saw Cat Noir quickly glance in my direction. I couldn't get the look he had for Ladybug out of my head. So... Bug-a-boo, huh?
*After the fight*
I waited there in the alleyway, one shoe on and one fighting against an angry businessman. I leaned against the wall and sighed while kicking a rock.

"Found you, sweetness!" I looked up and saw Cat Noir peeking over the ledge of a building. He presented my shoe in his hand. "Looking for this?" He jumped down safely.

"So, our friend flipped out because he didn't get a promotion at work. Crazy, huh?" He placed a hand on the wall beside me. His eyes were focused on me. My face remained unamused. He held up my shoe and smiled.

"I would be honored to re-enact that one scene from Cinderella. You can be my princess and I can be your prince." He winked. I groaned and grabbed my shoe.

"You forget," I said putting on my shoe. "That prince was actually charming." Cat Noir rolled his eyes, enjoying our banter. He watched as I crossed my arms and then put his other hand beside me. Blocking me against the wall.

"Am I not charming?" He said lowly. I felt heat creeping upon my face. This whole situation seemed unreal and I was losing control quickly. What he expected.

"We're in a dirty alleyway and you smell like wet cat." I shot at him. He was taken aback by my comment and his cool immediately plummeted. I laughed as he stood there dumbfounded. I pushed him lightly and began to walk away.

"You better get home, kitty. Doesn't seem like you have much time left." I said as a faint beeping started. I turned my head slightly and called back to him. "Wouldn't want your bug-a-boo to be disappointed if someone found out your identity, would you?" I smirked and left him standing behind me, completely stunned. Speechless.

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