Chapter 14: Promise

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*Y/N's P.O.V.*
Time was going by slow. I was currently on top of my roof, with a blanket and one pillow, waiting for Ladybug and Cat Noir. In my hand was a note from Cat Noir saying we'd meet here at 10:30 p.m. It was now 11:10 and they have yet to show.

"Sorry we're late! Had a bit of a hold up!" Ladybug and Cat Noir said swooping in.

"No, it's okay. Not like sleeping is important to me anyways." I said sarcastically, pulling the blanket over my shoulders. Cat Noir smirked.

"Ruined your beauty sleep?" He said taking a seat in front of me. I saw his eyes widen and he sucked in his lips, like he realized something. I tilted my head remembering how I told Adrien about my 'beauty sleep', thinking if somehow Cat Noir knew what I told Adrien..but I shrugged it off. It's a very widely used saying.

"Anyways," I said. Cat Noir exhaled quietly. "I've been having a hard time after that whole.. thing." It had been three days since I saw Hawk Moth. These three days were rough. I felt like every time I closed my eyes, his rage filled ones took over my vision.

"I need to let you know that I made a promise to someone special that I'd never let any type of negativity get to me. I loved being a superhero, but what comes with it is haunting. Please understand that if I decide to step away from the superhero life, it's for my safety and.. I can't break my promise." I stated, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for their response.

Ladybug flicked her eyes at me at the mention of 'someone special', but nodded, understandingly. Cat Noir gave me happy smile. Like he was excited that I was keeping my word.

"We need to know exactly what happened." Ladybug said as she sat next to me.

"Well, when I first got there it was extremely dark. Really creepy. Then, this huge window started opening up and light came flooding in. There were a lot of white butterflies fluttering around. In the middle of them was this tall, dark person. He faced away from the light, so I couldn't really see his face." I looked up at both heroes to see if they were following. They both stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

"He sounded almost..sophisticated? But evil. He was planning on getting you two trapped with me. Once we were all there, he was going to take the miraculouses. I got angry and.. whipped the side of his face." Ladybug made an 'ouch' expression. Cat Noir furrowed his brows and turned away.

"When you finally started to fix everything, that's when I saw his face. He had on a suit, his head was covered in a metallic silver mask, so I don't know what his hair color was. His eyes.. His eyes were a light shade of purple. He looked so angry." I finished speaking and they leaned back, Ladybug putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, I can't think of anybody with purple eyes." She said. Cat Noir shrugged, staying quiet. "We have to be very vigilant of people around us. Your whip must have left a mark, so our main goal is to find anyone with a nasty whip lash." Ladybug continued.

"I know it seems like our chances are slim on catching this guy, but we will do everything we can to protect our home." She looked at me and Cat Noir, then stood up. Cat and I followed her actions.

"I guess this concludes our meeting. Thanks for hearing me out." I said. Ladybug smiled and gave me a hug before she took off into the dark.

Cat Noir dusted himself off, then opened his staff to help him leap away. Before he could, I grabbed his arm.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. He sighed and looked at me with his green cat eyes. He gave me a small, sideways smile. My heart jumped happily.

"Yeah.. Guess I'm just tired." Cat Noir said, pretending to yawn and stretch. it wasn't the answer I was hoping for, but if he said he's fine, I'll accept that for now. I rolled my eyes, about to pick up my pillow and blanket. Cat Noir stopped me.

"How about we just stay here for a while?" He motioned to the stars above us. We looked together and I could feel my heart starting to beat harder.

Beep Beep Beep.

We both looked down at his hand. The ring signaled he had two cat toes left before the next one disappeared. I looked at him sadly.

"Maybe next time, hero." I said grabbing his ringed hand and pushing it to his chest. He held onto my hand and kept it close to his heart. Smiling, he gave it a light squeeze.

"Promise?" He asked, locking his eyes onto mine. A blush crept over my face. I started taking in all his features. The eyes, the nose, the jaw, the lips. His lips.

"Do you promise? We'll have a next time?" I watched his lips as he spoke this.

"Promise." I said, finally looking back into his eyes. He hugged me, keeping our joined hands between us. I looked up at the night sky. The moon was shining brightly down on us.

"I promise I'll always be your hero." He whispered, slowly pulling away. I felt him turn his head slightly. His lips brushed ever so lightly against my cheek. Heat crept up my ears.

Cat Noir took a few steps back holding onto my hand still. He prepared to take off and jumped up in the air. We were forced to let go. His fingertips swept against mine as he left, leaving my hand empty, reaching out to the stars.

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