Chapter 17: Breakfast

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**A/N: Thank you all for reading and voting on this story. It means a lot to me. I hope that you are all enjoying it so far and I wish you a very happy day! :))


Piano music was playing softly as I woke up. Beautiful, soft music playing in my room. Wait a second.

I shot up in bed, throwing my blanket away. No, not my blanket. This wasn't even my bed. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times. This was definitely not my room.

"Good morning, Y/N. Sleep well?" A light voice said. I turned to the person at the piano. Adrien smiled at me and stopped playing. There was something in his eyes that looked sad.

I nodded my head in response to his question. My brain started turning gears. Why am I waking up here again?

My eyes closed and I thought of yesterday. The events flashed through my head. Fighting with Chloe. Every second passing as I stayed underwater. I was playing each moment in my head like it was a scene from a movie.

A hand touched me lightly and my eyes shot open. I flinched, swiping it away. Adrien had a sorry look on his face. My face fell. He must be feeling terrible.

"I don't blame you for anything. I never did. I knew you'd save me." I said. Adrien gave me a sad smile. I put my arms around him, giving him a hug. I felt his tense shoulders relax and his arms wrapped around me.

"I'm always your hero." Adrien whispered. I smiled, still hugging him. Then I made a confused face. The way he said that sounded odd. One way I took this sentence was that he's always gonna be there for me, like a hero. Weirdly, the way he said it makes me also interpret it as: 'I'm always the person that saves you.'

I pulled away and looked into his eyes. He stared back at me, a smile on his face. His words stayed in my head. I made a promise to Cat Noir that he'd always be my hero. Now, here was Adrien stating the same thing, without the promise attached to it.

My fingers toyed with the charm on my necklace. Was there any way Adrien could be Cat Noir? Could it be possible that the guy I love is also the other guy that I love? I sound crazy.

Adrien cleared his throat and I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"We can go eat breakfast when you get dressed. I'm not expecting my father, so.." Adrien stood up, grabbed things from his desk, and handed them to me.

"My clothes!" I exclaimed. He laughed at me softly. My eyes widened.

'My clothes.' I thought to myself.

My hands frantically felt myself. I looked down and saw my clothes replaced with a t shirt and a pair of sweatpants. My face heated up.

"You changed me?!" I said, smacking him with the clothes in my hands. "You saw me in my-!"

"You needed dry clothes! I didn't see much!" Adrien said, throwing his hands up in defense. I gasped, holding my clothes to my chest.

"That's not nice!" I yelled.

"No, that's not what I-! I mean- uh.. From what I saw, they're ni-!" Adrien stammered, his face insanely red. I smacked him again before he finished his sentence. He shut his mouth, clearly embarrassed.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said angrily. He nodded his head, pouting sadly. While walking away, I smiled to myself. Adrien was cute when he's flustered. I wasn't really mad at him, maybe a little, but I knew he did it with good intention.

Adrien was just easy to mess with.


After sneaking out of Adrien's house and then back in so that it seems like I didn't just spend the night, we prepared ourselves to go eat breakfast. Nathalie was waiting at the dining room entrance. Her eyes grew slightly when she saw me. She straightened herself.

"Adrien, we didn't see you leave this morning." She said, adjusting his glasses. She looked at me, not happy for some reason.

"Yeah, well, I woke up early and went on a walk. I ran into Y/N on the way." Adrien laughed nervously.

"You shouldn't leave without someone accompanying you. Also, you should've notified us about your guest." Nathalie's eyes darted to the side, like she was referring to someone inside the dining room.

"Us?" Adrien asked. I looked down at my shoes, nervously fixing myself up. I felt very uncomfortable. I wasn't prepared to meet anyone and Nathalie didn't feel as welcoming as she was before.

"Your father is waiting for you." Nathalie announced. I looked at Adrien, clearly in shock. He was looking at Nathalie with his mouth hanging slightly open. Nathalie opened the door and Adrien put on a smile.

We entered the dining room, me following behind Adrien. It was nerve wracking. Gabriel Agreste is a powerful man. You don't want to make a mistake and leave a bad impression.

Or so I heard.

"Good morning, father." Adrien said, trying to keep in his happiness. I knew it meant a lot to Adrien to spend time with his dad. It made me smile.

"Adrien." Mr. Agreste said, acknowledging his son. As soon as his voice made its way into my ears, I froze. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. Maybe from a bad dream.

"Father, this is my friend, Y/N. We met at school. She's very talented and smart." Adrien said, trying to sell me the best he could. He grabbed and presented me in front of him. We both knew it was important that his dad tolerated me, at least.

I put on the best smile I could muster up and held out my hand for a handshake.

"Hello, Mr. Agreste. It's a pleasure to meet you." I confidently said. The man at the table looked me up until our eyes met. My stomach dropped, chest tightened. All the confidence in me was replaced with fear.

I've seen this man's eyes before, but I also hadn't. This was my first time meeting him, so there was no way I'd seen his eyes. Mr. Agreste's eyes were a pale blue, but they reminded me so much of..

Mr. Agreste was examining me closely. His eyes were scanning my face, my very forced smile. My body was tense. I couldn't move, so I just kept my hand out. When he finally looked away, I relaxed slightly.

"Yes, it must be." Mr. Agreste said, not bothering to shake my hand. My hand came back to my side slowly. Adrien cleared his throat and politely sat me at the table, then sat across from me.

There was no hiding anymore. It was time to eat breakfast with the most intimidating man in Paris: Gabriel Agreste.

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