Chapter 16: Hold On

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Did I have any intention of getting Chloé turned into a villain today? No. Did she bring this onto herself? By being a jerk, yes. So was this really all my fault?

"You're going to pay for thinking you can speak to the queen however you please!" Chloé- no, Queen Wasp yelled, pointing her finger in my direction. Adrien shot a disappointed look at me, then grabbed my hand and began to run. Queen Wasp was following behind.

"Find a place to hide! I'll distract her!" Adrien said, shoving me ahead. For once, I listened to Adrien and ran.

"Chl- Queen Wasp! Please spare my friend! She doesn't know any better!" Adrien yelled behind me. Their voices were drowning out, but I could still hear Chloé's angry reply.

"Oh, Adrien.. I'd better teach her then, don't you think?!"

I turned the corner, trying to look for a hiding spot. There was no where I could run without her finding me.

Something wrapped around me and swooped me up. I covered my mouth and let out a muffled scream. Thought I'd be used it by now.

"Seems you're almost always in a pickle when I see you." Ladybug laughed as I landed next to her. I chuckled nervously, thinking about Chloé's evil alter ego. I put my head down. Today couldn't get any worse.

"Cat Noir! Good, you're here." Ladybug said. I kept my head down, and threw up a small wave hello. I heard Cat Noir laugh, so I picked up my head.

"Of course, gotta take care of my two favorite girls." Cat Noir said. Ladybug and I stared at him angrily. "Uh, ladies?" He tried to correct himself, earning an even bigger glare from us.

"Women?! Look, we need to get her to safety, so can we move?!" Cat Noir asked defeatedly. Ladybug and I shared a glance. I stood up, Ladybug grabbing and holding me tight.

"Us 'girls' are going to go hide. You can hold off her majesty until I get back." Ladybug and I smiled at each other, then took off, leaving Cat Noir pouting.

We jumped to an alleyway and she sat me down next to a dumpster. This was dirty.

"I know it's not the best, but knowing Queen Wasp she'll never check anything dirty, or go near it. So stay here!" She gave me a stern look before leaving. We both knew it what it meant.

After waiting for about 15 minutes, I got really bored. Maybe it was safe to come out. It was getting late and I was worried about Adrien. I stood up and walked to the corner of the building, peeking carefully.

"Found you! Makes sense I'd find the trash where it belongs!" A voice behind me said. I winced, knowing who it was. Always me with bad decisions.

I didn't give her a chance to do anything. I ran back into the dark alleyway, trying to get away.

"Keep running! The Queen always finds disrespectful subjects!" Queen Wasp yelled. I could hear the wasps close by. The canal was up ahead. A dead end.

A hand grabbed mine and pulled me quickly. I turned to my side and saw Adrien. My eyes widened.

"Do you like water?!" He asked as we ran. I nodded my head up and down quickly, not understanding why he'd ask.

"Hold your breath as long as you can! I'll come back for you! Just hold on! "

"Wait what?!" I yelled, realizing his horrible plan.

"Go!" Adrien pushed me into the canal. I took in as much air as I could and splashed into the water. My body was fully submerged.

I swam down and turned to see the fight above me. A group of wasps hovered above the water. I couldn't see Queen Wasp or Adrien. I was just supposed to wait here?! Ladybug and Cat Noir better fix this soon because I couldn't hold my breath forever.

Seconds were passing quickly. I felt lightheaded. I saw bright light flashes above me. Hopefully it was Cat Noir and Ladybug ending this battle. Above me the wasps were waiting. I couldn't go anywhere without getting stung.

My body was trying to fight against going lights out, but my lungs were giving out. I thrashed around desperately, trying to scare the wasps, but it made me feel worse. I needed air. I closed my eyes.

This was a horrible way to go, but I had to be okay. Had to. There was no way of telling. I was trapped underwater by a bunch of little, flying bullies because I'd pissed off a spoiled rich girl. I was hoping that this was all a dream, but the realist side of me kept screaming: 'We're losing air!'

But this is all fine. I'd wake up in my room, safe in bed. Warm, snuggled into my pillow. I accepted the idea. I will wake up safe. In my room. With Adrien by my side.


What if he came back and I was gone? How disappointed in me would he be to find out I couldn't follow through? That I hadn't held on long enough for him? I had to fight for Adrien. Had to stay alive for the boy who said he'd come back for me.

All around me were muffled sounds. I could feel repeated pressure on me and something going into my mouth. I tried to grab something, but could only move the tips of my fingers. My senses were waking up.

"Y/N! Please wake up!" A voice yelled to me. I could hear now. Then felt air coming through my mouth and into my lungs. My eyes fluttered open.

Water came out of me with a fit of coughs. I was gasping for air and trying to sit up. I felt a hand on the back of my head, keeping me up. The sun was almost set in the background.

My head weakly moved and I forced my eyes to look at who was holding me. My eyes met Adrien's green ones. His hair was stuck to his face, water dripping from the strands and clothes. He looked so scared, but relieved once he saw me look at him. He pulled me in close, spewing out apology after apology.

I couldn't form words even if I tried. I was telling Adrien I forgive him, but it was only coming out in my head. So even though I was telling him it was okay, Adrien didn't hear and kept saying sorry.

Adrien lifted me off the ground and held me tight. He was trembling, but putting on a brave face. My hand rested over the necklace he gave me.

"I'll take care of her. It's my fault." Adrien said.

"You be careful too, Ad-... Be safe." I believe that was Ladybug who spoke. My eyes were heavy and I was extremely tired. My body definitely didn't feel jazzed about what happened.

Adrien was walking somewhere dark. I couldn't really see what was going on. I felt my body being put down and heard a quick sorry. My eyes closed momentarily as I was slipping into unconsciousness.

"No, it's not safe!" I heard a tiny voice whisper. Maybe that was in my head. A bright flash went off and my body was picked up. My head was pressed into Adrien's chest, so I couldn't see. His clothes felt different.

I swear it felt like we were zooming through the air, almost jumping quickly passed places, but I had no clue. I was just in a dream state I guess.

We arrived somewhere and I heard a window crack open. Adrien took a few steps in, and I felt myself being rested on a seat. I was uncomfortably wet, which is the only reason I was still awake. My eyes opened slightly. In front of me, walking away was a figure with blonde hair and a black suit. Like Cat Noir.

I blinked, but when I opened my eyes again I saw Adrien rummaging through drawers.

"Hold on, Y/N. I'm gonna get you into something warm, okay? Please forgive me." Adrien's soft voice broke through the silence. The next few minutes were really a blur. Closing my eyes was dangerous because now I was being lifted up, having no recollection of the moments before.

Soft, warm blankets engulfed me. My head hit a fluffy pillow and my body sank into the softest bed I'd ever felt. I felt a thumb run across my cheek, but I was already fading into my dream world. I couldn't acknowledge it.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N.."

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