Chapter 15: Chloé Bourgeois

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"Adrikins! Come partner up with me and Sabrina! You won't waste your time working with us instead with those people." Chloé called out to Adrien.

Ahhh, just another wholesome school day with the queen of mean.

Today the class was getting into groups for a project. Our assignment was to create our own language incorporating French into it. Then, we had to have a full conversation as a group using our language.

While everyone had mostly found their groups, I was still trying to decide who would take me in. Alya was with Marinette and Nino. What stopped me from joining was Marinette. She wasn't a bad person. I just didn't want to feel awkward, considering..

"Uh, sure, Chloé... But I'm already partnered up with Y/N, so she's gonna be in our group as well!" Adrien said, pulling me by my arm. I made a surprised face at him. He met it with a hopeful smile.

"That'd be great! We could use an ext-!" Sabrina started to say. Chloé nudged her in the side, almost knocking Sabrina over. This was her way of saying 'shut up'. I rolled my eyes angrily. The way she treated her friend was horrible.

"We'll be fine with three." Chloé grabbed Adrien's arm, but he pulled back. Her face turned red.

"Either she's in or I'm out." Adrien stated clearly. Chloé stomped her foot, crossing her arms at the same time. Adrien put a hand on his hip. She pouted, looking from me to him. Then she rolled her eyes and turned away.

"Okay, but only because it's you, Adrikins." Chloé muttered under her breath. Sabrina clasped her hands together happily. Adrien smiled at me, knowing I hated this with all my guts. I looked over at another group: Juleka, Rose, and Mylène.

'Should've joined them when I had the chance.' I thought to myself.

Chloé sat down in her seat while pulling Adrien beside her. I crossed my arms and looked at Sabrina. She smiled at me innocently. As much as I was annoyed, this wasn't her fault. Not even Chloé's. I let out a 'huff' and directed my eyes towards Adrien. He was writing things down on a piece of paper.

As if he could feel me glaring daggers at him, he smirked to himself and continued to write.

"I think for this project I'll supervise. Sabrina, you find some French sayings that we can use. Y/N.. you can think of some nonsense we can use as our language. Everything you say is nonsense anyways." She laughed and Sabrina nervously giggled.

"You know what Chl-?" I began.

"Okay! I think we can use this to start!" Adrien interrupted me before I could yell at Chloé. He held up the paper he was writing on. He peeked at me. I gritted my teeth, clearly pissed.

One day, Y/N. One day.


I was walking out of school, annoyed. Everywhere I went Chloé happened to be around, causing me to feel vexed all day.

Something brushed against me. Walking away was Adrien, who turned around and smiled, waving goodbye.

I put my hand in my pocket and felt something thin. I pulled it out, seeing a folded piece of paper.

'Meet me outside the Louvre at 6! ~Adrien'

I crinkled my nose and looked up at him while he was entering his car. Our eyes met and as his bodyguard shut the door, I could see Adrien laugh behind the glass.


At 6 p.m., I was at the Louvre waiting for Adrien. If he didn't show in the next minute, I'd leave.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you showed up." A voice behind me said. I turned around and saw Adrien. He was smiling nervously. "I'm sorry?"

My eyes narrowed at him. Putting me with Chloé was the worst idea he could've had. No sorry he had would make me forgive him. Adrien had a  hand behind his back. He took a few steps closer and I frowned.

"I know you're mad, but I'm hoping this will make up for what I did." Adrien shyly pulled something from behind his back. It was a black box. My face softened as he handed it to me. I looked up at him. Adrien was red.

After opening the box, I found a necklace inside. There was a capital A charm hooked on. Attached to it was a small stone of my favorite color on it. My heart was melting. Maybe I could forgive him.

"I know it's a lot for a 'sorry' present. I just want you to keep a part of me with you." He said the last part softly, almost like he was scared. I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"You're the best, Adrien. I love it." I pulled away and turned while handing him the necklace. "Here, put it on me."

Adrien took the necklace and placed it around my neck. He secured it by the clasp and spun me around. He started drawing out my every feature with his eyes. While I did feel a bit self-conscious, I didn't hide myself from him. There was no need to with Adrien.

"Adrien!!" We were snapped out of each other's focus and forced to find the source of the voice. I saw her waltzing her way over, a small figure behind her struggling to carry shopping bags.

Of course, Chloé Bourgeois, always sensing my happiness and coming to put an end to it.

"Adrien, what are you doing here? I thought you had a photo shoot." Chloé said approaching us.

"Well, you know, finished early." He said smiling softly. Chloé acknowledged me and made a face.

"Are you done following him around like a lost puppy?" Chloé said. She hooked her arm into Adrien's. He looked at her confused, but didn't say anything. I know he didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I did.

"I'm tired of seeing you around him all the time. You're just an annoying side character nobody likes and I'm the main character in this world you're lucky to live in." Chloé stated proudly, as she moved towards me.

"Chloé!" Adrien looked angry. He tried stopping her, but Chloé ignored him. I rolled my eyes.

"I must be a pretty awesome side character if I can steal the star of the show's boyfriend, huh?" I leaned forward as I spoke, the necklace dangling from my neck. Although I didn't mean to flaunt it, it caught Chloé's attention. She was fuming.

"Y/N, Chloé, stop it! Please!" Adrien stepped in between us. He looked desperate to stop this. Chloé put her head down.

"What? Got nothing to say, brat?" I pushed against Adrien, trying to get to Chloé. For how small and timid he seemed, his strength really said otherwise.

"Only one thing: Bow down to Queen Wasp."

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