Chapter 27: Sugar Plum

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*A/N: I hear the English VA for Katsuki Bakugo from BNHA and think of his voice as angry Adrien sometimes and that's what I'm thinking about this week. Also, it's winter time in the story now. Anyways, hope everyone is doing well!*


"Why is it so cold?" I said, wrapping my arms around myself. My feet unhappily walked me out of the school.

"It is winter time, silly." Adrien chuckled into a green scarf. His winter attire made him look so soft and cute. My little cinnamon roll. I smiled and threw my hands up in the air excitedly.

"Winter break! I can't wait to bust out the Christmas decorations!" I exclaimed, thinking about my cheap decorations. I bought them after doing a favor for Rose. She insisted that I take cash from her, but after I refused a few times she shoved it aggressively into my pocket. Then giggled as if it never happened.

Adrien's car pulled up to the side of the road, Nathalie ready to steal the boy away. Adrien touched my arm gently, a way of saying goodbye as lovingly as he could since I wasn't technically dating him.

And since Nathalie would freak if she saw me embrace Adrien. Ever since the whole sneaking-into-Gabriel's-atelier incident, I haven't been on her good side. Every time she saw me she became irritated and tense. We both knew that I knew something. But what that something was I'm not sure of.

However, I'm highly suspicious and ready to close the case on Gabriel. Since I'm dating Cat Noir, Gabriel knows I'm a threat.

"Date tonight?" I whispered to Adrien before he left. Adrien smiled once more and shut his eyes, remembering all our dates.

"Tonight." He whispered back, leaving me standing at the steps of the school to watch him walk away.


I finished putting up the decorations in my house and admired my work. The little tree in my living room looked cheery, which made me cheery.

After running to my room, I slipped on pajamas. I smelled my armpits to make sure I wouldn't make Adrien gag.

"Good enough!" I shrugged happily. I went to the window and opened it, letting in the cool winter air. As if on cue, Cat Noir swoops in.

"Thank you, my sweet sugar plum." Cat Noir winked. I rolled my eyes and made a dramatic cringe at his new pet name for me.

"Sugar plum? Last month I was honeybun." I smirked, crossing my arms.

"It's Christmas-sy, right? Thought I'd change it up to be on theme." He said, picking up the Santa hat on my diy snowman. Placing it on his head, he turned to me with a goofy smile.

"Look, I'm Santa Claws!" Cat Noir joked, striking a pose with claws on full display. As lame as it was, I laughed. He was cute when he could just be himself.

"So, what's tonight's plan? Bake Christmas cookies and watch movies?" I asked, twirling in my festive pajamas. Cat Noir silently admired me, his face showing complete adoration. I planted a kiss on his nose, snapping him to attention. His face was bright red.

"I- Uh, well, um-!" He stuttered. I giggled and took his hand. Most of our kisses made him act like it's the first time I'd ever kissed him. And I thought it was so cute to see him react.

"A-Actually!" Cat Noir said in a rather high tone. He shook his head and cleared his throat. "Actually, I thought I'd show you around tonight."

"But I've been around Paris plenty of times with you." I said.

"Not when it's like this." He said, pulling me into his arms and jumping out the window without second thought.

Cat Noir held me tight and rushed past the buildings around us. I shielded my face from the air slapping against my cheeks. I heard a low chuckle from Cat Noir.

"This is perfect." Cat Noir said, placing me down on a hard surface. I looked around and noticed we were at the Eiffel Tower.

"But we- Oh!" I said as Cat Noir turned my head to the front. I covered my mouth in awe. We were looking at all of Paris lit up in lights, but not just the normal lights. Everything was decorated to match Christmas time.

Trees were adorned with red ornaments and twinkling lights. There was a bush in the distance made to look like a candy cane with white lights and red material. Red ribbons and bows were wrapped on the railings around the area. I squinted and pointed to a huge Christmas tree in the distance. My hands flew around Cat Noir and shook him excitedly.

"It's amazing! Have you ever seen something so beautiful?!" I exclaimed happily.

"Well, yo-."

"Adrien, thank you!" I said, cutting him off from whatever he was going to say. I threw myself at him in a big hug. My body was shaking from excitement.

"For what? This doesn't seem like much.." Cat Noir said, rubbing my back gently. I shook my head and held on tighter.

"Thank you for letting me experience this with you. I've never seen anything like this in my life. My family never celebrated Christmas or cared enough to show me the beauty of the world."

"Things like this," I paused, feeling Cat Noir turn his head to the side. "Are a wonderful thing. Some simple decorations and the right person by your side change everything. I'm sorry if I'm overreacting to you, but..."

Cat Noir pulled away, enough to look at my face. He was smiling, his green eyes glistening from the lights around us. I moved some hair from his face and ran my thumb over the mask.

"You deserve to spend this moment with Adrien." Cat Noir said, beginning to take off his ring. I grabbed his hand and held it close to my heart.

"I am with him. Mask on or off.." I said, leaning in slowly for a kiss. He did the same, still holding onto my hand. Our lips met and the kiss was warm.

Warm like when you sit by a fire and the heat meets your skin. But also warm like when everything feels nice because someone makes you feel loved and cared for.

We pulled apart and stared into each other's eyes for a moment. There was nothing I else in the world I wanted. Just this. Just him.

"You look one of those ornaments on the tree: Red." Cat Noir spoke first, ruining the moment with his dumb remark.

"It's the lights!" I replied angrily.

"Sure it is, sugar plum." Cat Noir laughed, holding me tight and petting my head. I groaned softly at the name, but quickly simmered down. A smile now formed on my face. Still, this is all I'll ever want.

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