Chapter 23: Jealousy

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Three days had passed since Adrien and I kissed. We still weren't a couple, but knowing we were on the right track there was good enough. Actually, no, I really wanted to date him. It just wasn't exactly the right time. And right now I was fuming from jealousy.

Adrien came over to my place for a 'study session', which was a total lie he told Nathalie. While we were talking and enjoying each other's company, Plagg accidentally slipped in a small detail that Adrien didn't mention.

"So I wasn't your first kiss?!" I yelled.

"You were the best kiss!" Adrien yelled, tightly holding my wrists so I won't hurt him.

Plagg was holding the back of my shirt with as much might the tiny kwami could muster up.

"First of all, Ladybug kissed Cat Noir! And under the circumstances, it was necessary!" Adrien defended himself.

"You are Cat Noir," I paused. "And you liked it!" I finished, gritting my teeth and trying to free my arms.

"I didn't say that." Adrien said seriously.

"Well, Adrien was in love with Ladybug before he met you, so that means... He did." Plagg chimed in, letting go of my shirt and putting his tiny paw to his chin like he was thinking. Adrien shot Plagg an angry look.

Then Adrien turned to me with reddened cheeks. He smiled nervously, releasing my arms to hold up his hands and retreat slowly. I glared at the boy and crossed my arms.

"You know what, I'm not mad. Because I just remembered: You weren't my first kiss either." I lied, biting the inside of my cheek and turning away.

"Y/N... Are you lying to me?" Adrien asked. Plagg flew in front of me. I made a guilty face, pleading in my head for Plagg to stay quiet.

"Oh man, you're totally lying!" Plagg called me out. I swatted him away very gently and heard Adrien laugh.

"You two are the worst." I huffed.

"Awww, you two had your first lover's quarrel. Seen plenty of those in my time." Plagg said, patting Adrien's shoulder. Adrien and I looked at Plagg unamused.

Then, we turned to each other. The corner of Adrien's lips turned up into a smile. The butterflies in my stomach came to life.


Adrien and I were walking around Paris, mostly trying to spend as much time together before Nathalie and his dad pulled him away.

I frowned. It'd been a while since I thought about Gabriel Agreste. Last time I thought about him, I considered him to be Hawk Moth. And now that I know Adrien is Cat Noir, it might not be too crazy to assume. How am I gonna tell the guy I love his dad might be the one terrorizing everyone?

Hm, I guess I won't. For now. Or, until I most absolutely, positively have to spill the beans. Or  until I find out Gabriel is actually Hawk Moth.

"What's wrong?" Adrien said, waving a hand in my face. My frown turned into a smile.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how hungry I am." I replied. Technically, I wasn't lying because I did want something to munch on.

"We could grab something to e-,"

"My name is André! André Glacier! The sweetheart matchmaker!" A man sung nearby. Adrien's face lit up and he grabbed my hand.

"André is the best ice cream man I know. We should stop by and share some. Please?" Adrien asked.

"Aren't you gonna tell her about that stupid rumor that if you share his ice cream you'll be in love forever?" Plagg mentioned, peeking out from Adrien's shirt pocket. Adrien shushed him and pushed the little creature back in with his finger.

Adrien and I could be in love forever? My heart was beating excitedly. Then my palms got sweaty. Adrien wants to share ice cream with me? Does he really want me forever?

I nodded my head, pretending like I didn't hear Plagg. Adrien smiled and pulled me over to the ice cream cart. We waited in line patiently until our turn. When André saw us, his eyes quickly darted down to my hand, which Adrien was still holding.

"What a lovely match. Two teenage lovers enjoying the beautiful Paris day together. And topping it off with André's famous sweethearts ice cream!" Andre announced cheerily. My face turned red. I started to explain that Adrien and me weren't a couple.

However, Adrien squeezed my hand, making me shut up midway. André gave us a sideways smile and turned to his ice cream cart.

"A scoop of chocolate for the love and excitement you feel when you're with your lady," André said while looking at Adrien. "Raspberry for the rebellious girl that goes against chocolate's sweetness, yet blends perfectly with it to create something special."

André handed us the ice cream and watched as Adrien and me held our little spoons nervously.

"And we share this?" I asked, digging my spoon into the raspberry.

"If you want to." André said, clasping his hands together in hopes we don't disappoint by refusing to share.

"His ice cream is the best, Y/N. I wouldn't bring you here if I wasn't sure about us." Adrien smiled, making me blush. He quickly shook his head.

"Sure about us getting ice cream from here, I mean." Adrien added. I rolled my eyes and shoved my ice cream spoon into his mouth.

"Sure." I replied sarcastically. We thanked André, who looked very pleased, and walked over to a bench to sit.

Adrien looked the happiest I'd ever seen him. I wonder if he believes eating this together will keep us in love forever. If he did or not, he was enjoying himself and that was enough to send me into a world of love. We were staring at each other, ready to eat our ice cream in unison.

"Adrien!" A female voice called out like they were trying to get his attention. Adrien looked behind me and smiled.

"Hey Alya! Hey Marinette!" Adrien called back, waving his hand in the air. I turned around with the ice cream in my hand and stuck my spoon back into the cup.

Alya and Marinette's eyes fell upon the ice cream. Alya looked pleasantly surprised. Marinette looked like she was gonna blow a fuse. Pure jealousy written across her face.

The two girls made their way over, Alya leading the charge and dragging Marinette along.

"Hey you two! Enjoying some ice cream together?" Alya asked.

"Trying to. I haven't eaten any yet. Adrien sampled it." I said, shooting a smirk at the boy beside me. He laughed softly.

"That's great!" Marinette exclaimed, sounding a bit relieved. We all looked at her confused.

"Uh, that's great ice cream you got there! Mind if I have a taste?" Marinette said, awkwardly walking over and reaching for the cup. I smiled politely, but tried to sneakily pull it away.

Once Marinette grabbed it, she held onto the ice cream cup and took a step back. As if she slipped on the most slippery thing ever, she stumbled backwards, threw up her hands, and flung the cup, ice cream and all. It landed behind her on the floor.

"Oh! I'm such a klutz! I'm sorry!" Marinette said, red in the face with a very guilty smile. I frowned, realizing that was her plan. So much for sharing with Adrien.

"Haha, that's okay. Guess you won't be eating any ice cream today, Y/N." Adrien laughed, completely oblivious. Alya crossed her arms and laughed a bit. Marinette gave me an apologetic look.

Well played, Marinette. Well played.

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