Chapter 11: The Tiger Miraculous Pt. 1

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~November // Home // 9:03 am~

I was sitting at home watching tv and contemplating my life. Ever since I realized I loved both Adrien and Cat Noir, my world changed. I wanted so desperately to decipher what it was that made me love them the same, but it's been months now and I'm still stuck.

No matter how hard I tried, I could never figure out why it all felt so connected. On numerous occasions, I tried prying any information I could from Cat Noir. And numerous times, he'd never give me a straight answer. Not knowing who he was always threw me off.

Adrien would answer as much as he could, but when I'd ask or mention Cat Noir he always tried to change the subject. This is what bothered me. They both had secrets and couldn't offer an explanation.

Since I still, and very obviously now, had feelings for Adrien, Marinette and I didn't really talk. We did once because I wanted to apologize and let her know my intentions are pure. That I would never hurt anyone's feelings intentionally. I don't know if she believed me. Alya tried helping us get past it because friendship is more important than boys, but in the end Marinette still held bitterness.

Despite Ladybug telling me to leave the saving to the superheroes, I didn't listen. I helped when I knew I could and got a lot of praise from the people of Paris. It made me happy to know I was reducing the damage caused by Hawk Moth and his akumas.

Back to the boys, though. Did I love someone more than the other? Truthfully, no. Even if I wanted to say I loved Adrien more, Cat Noir always made me fall back into him, would make me regret saying that I did. Same if the roles were switched.

What I noticed were odd similarities between the two, despite how different they were. Maybe it was the hair, the face shape, or the oddly identical voices, but sometimes I thought they were the same person. Plus, I'd never seen them together.

However, this conclusion was ruled out. Adrien was constantly under the watch of Nathalie or his bodyguard. He could never be involved because their sole purposes were to protect him. Adrien's strict life made it too difficult to be the carefree, roam about Cat Noir. Meaning, there was no way they were the same person.

"Breaking News: A citizen has just been seen wreaking havoc on the city of Paris. Officials believe the subject has been akumatized and are now standing by, in hopes of Ladybug and Cat Noir to save the day." The announcer on tv said.

The footage on my screen showed a muscular female with a marathon number sticker on the front of her shirt. She was wearing dark athletic clothing and carrying a water bottle that was turned purple and black. She didn't look menacing, but from what the camera was catching, she was the epitome of fitness. Her speed could be compared to a track and field star but faster, strength like a bull, and her endurance maxed out.

"You look like you could use a drink!" She yelled from the television, staring directly into the camera. With great speed she ran at the screen and shot a purple liquid out. I jumped back, thinking it could actually reach me, but the connection to the camera went black and it was recording no more.

Welp, time to see what else is on!

*Marinette's P.O.V.*
I smiled as I finished decorating my last macaron to look like a ladybug. My father put a hand on my back and smiled proudly.

"Looks great, sweetie! Maybe one day you can take over the bakery for your mom and me." He said with hope in his eyes. I chuckled nervously, thinking about my dreams of fashion designing.

"Haha, yeah.. We'll see, dad."

My mother burst through the front door, out of breath. I rushed to her side.

"That horrible woman out there chased me from the store! I thought I was a goner, but Cat Noir saved me." My father held on to her and I back away slowly. I made my way to my room and slipped out to the roof. I could see Cat Noir fighting an akumatized lady.

"Tikki, spots on!" I transformed into Ladybug and made my way over to the fight.


As I arrived, I saw Cat Noir get thrown towards a billboard. I quickly grappled him with my yo-yo and pulled him in my direction. He landed next to me on his butt. After shaking his head, he turned to me.

"Oh, my Lady, she's too strong. I need a stronger woman to come to my rescue." He said gesturing to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Still not interested." I scoffed, keeping an eye on the villain.

"Yeah, figured." Cat Noir jumped to his feet. And got in ready position. Together, we faced our opponent.

"Oh? Two new competitors? No one will ever beat me again! I am Olympia, the woman who will become the best Olympic champion in the world! All I need to do is get rid of a few obstacles." She grinned and aimed a water bottle at us.

"Really? Gonna give us a nice refreshment?" Cat Noir mocked. She smirked and shot a stream of purple water at an innocent bystander. The water hit them square in the chest. With a puff of purple smoke, they vanished.

Cat Noir and I looked at each other fearfully. This was going to be a tough fight.


Cat Noir and I were hiding right now. We were completely out of breath. Every time we got close to beating Olympia, she'd run away, too fast for us to catch. Our every move was deflected and she retaliated with brute strength. We were beaten down.

"At this rate, I'm going to detransform before we beat her." Cat Noir said keeping watch. "We're running out of fuel and she's barely broken a sweat! We need someone who can keep up, but we're on our own here."

"Not completely." I said determined. "I need you to keep her occupied for as long as you can. I'll be back with reinforcements!" I quickly made my way to Master Fu's place.

Before entering, I destransformed and gave Tikki a macaron.

"She's too strong, Marinette." She said wearily.

"I know, Tikki. Hold on." Master Fu walked out and saw me.

"I sensed trouble. Come in." We made our way to the room where he holds the Miraculous box. I explained the situation to him and he listened. He pulled out the little black box and opened it.

"Sounds like you need an extra friend. Marinette, pick an ally to help you defeat Olympia." I immediately went for the fox miraculous, thinking of Alya.

I stopped myself and sighed. No, the Fox miraculous would be useless in this fight. I stared at all of the items before me. The tiger miraculous caught my eye. I picked it up and studied it. I'd never seen it in action before.

"The tiger miraculous is a wise choice. Tigers are very strong animals. They have great speed, the ability to jump very far, and can be very silent when stalking their prey. Wearing this miraculous will give the wearer the same characteristics I mentioned." Master Fu informed me. I smiled and held it tight. This is exactly what I need.

"You need someone capable of using it. Someone with a heart of gold, who will respect the tiger kwami and fight for good. Roaar doesn't respond well to irresponsible wearers. And once it's over, they must give back the miraculous to you." I thought of all my friends as Master Fu explained to me.

"You need someone with only the purest of intentions."

'Marinette, I'd never hurt anyone. Especially my friends, like you. I only have the purest intentions for this world.' Her voice echoed in my head. My heart stopped as I made a realization. We need Y/N. And no matter how much I didn't want to see her, team up, or let her help, I knew it was the right thing to do.

Y/N had to use the tiger miraculous.

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