Chapter 3: Welcoming Party

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"Pound it!" I heard two voices say in unison. A faint beeping could be heard.

"Gotta bounce, Cat. You handle this. See ya!" The feminine voice said. I tried opening my eyes and began rubbing my head.

"Well, good morning, m'lady. Sorry for not getting you entirely out of harms way, but I still think I should get some credit for saving you." I opened my eyes fully and focused on the person before me.

"You're Cat Noir!" I said, still rubbing my head. "You let me get hit in the head!"

"To be fair, I saved your life and still haven't received one thank you." He smirked.

"Thanks.. I guess?" I shot an angry glare at him and then softened my expression. He was handsome in person. 'Maybe it's that suit of his' I thought while running my eyes down his body, but anyways.

"I think I deserve a reward for saving you." He said leaning on his staff and pointing to his cheek. I rolled my eyes and pointed to his beeping ring.

"That important?" I asked while crossing my arms. His face turned pale and his playful smile turned to panic.

"Hopefully, I get to save you another day." He said, then instantly shook his head. "Actually, um, no. I hope you stay safe enough so that I don't have to come to your rescue. I gotta go!"  And with that he took off.

What a weirdo.

*That Night*
"I'm telling you Alya, he's not as cool as he seems! And no, I didn't meet Ladybug, she had to go....Cat Noir?....Don't put that in your blog! I'm totally not head over heels for some hero that let me get hurt!....Yeah, I think he's cute but that's not important!"

I was on the phone with Alya, telling her everything about my run in with Ladybug and Cat Noir. As much as I admired them before, Cat Noir lessened my expectations. However, I still really hoped to meet Ladybug.

Although I didn't watch them in action this time..and even though I froze up at the first sign of danger, I still wanted know what it was like to be a superhero. Jumping around rooftops, saving people, and having cool powers.

Alya told me everything she knew about Ladybug and Cat Noir. She explained that they have this thing called a miraculous and there was this villain named Hawk Moth that was responsible for all the akumatizations. It finally made sense to me and I was afraid to become taken over by negative emotions.

"..I mean, been there done that. It's not fun to become a villain, but to be saved by Ladybug and Cat Noir is a dream come true!" Alya squealed over the phone. "Well, it was so fun to talk to you! By the way! I sent your number to a bunch of friends. That way we can all keep in touch! Don't worry, none of them are creeps. I told them all to let you know who they were, so you weren't freaked out. Later, girl!" The call ended and I was left processing everything she had just said. With my phone right by my ear, a flurry of pings went off. I dropped my phone beside me in fear and stared as messages came flooding in.

"Yo Y/N! it's Nino :) Hope ur livin' it up"
"Hi Y/N, this is Marinette! Just checking to see if you're doing well!"
"..hello y/n.. um, this is Juleka.."
"Y/N!!! It's Rose!! :D I can't wait to perform for you with my band Kitty Section! Oop!!! Ignore that!!"
"Hey, Y/N. It's Adrien, from your class. Alya said you might need my number."

I stared at all the unknown numbered messages, but it was his that made me pick up my phone in excitement. Even if I this was all just formalities, at least I had his number and I didn't have to embarrass myself to get it.

I won't say I have a crush. I know nothing about the guy.. buuut knowing that I do have the cute boy's number definitely boosted up my mood.

I texted everyone back and thanked them for going through the trouble of making me feel like I had friends. However, it seemed like one person was trying to keep our conversation going for as long as they could.

You know, I'm here if you need any help at all.

Yeah, thank you! It means a lot.

Even though I'm super busy, maybe I can slip away and show you around some cool places you've probably never visited.

Sounds fun! It'll be nice to go out with the whole group.
I have to go to bed soon.

Right, the whole group...

I should be getting to bed.

Don't you know sleep is overrated for high schoolers?

Maybe, but I'm tired out. Need my beauty sleep.

I don't think you need any more.
But it is a school night and we both can't be late. Night Y/N.

Was that a compliment? Was this boy that looked like a complete model complimenting me? Impossible. This is just friendship. Right?

*A week later...*

"No peeking! Ahhh! Here we are! Tada!" Rose said excitedly as she uncovered my eyes. We were on a crazy looking boat, decorated with lights that lit up the night. It was so beautiful. I saw a stage with instruments on it and a poster with the words, 'Kitty Section' aggressively, yet cutely drawn on.

"Wow.. you guys did this for me?" I said in awe, looking from the decorations to my friends. Luka put his hands on Marinette's shoulders and gave a small smile, while she immediately turned red.

"It was Marinette's idea to throw a welcoming party. We just all pitched in to set it up." Luka smiled. Marinette quickly, while flustered, explained that it was no big deal and it was everyone who deserved a big thank you. I smiled and gave her a hug while she was still recovering from her interaction with Luka. They looked cute together.

"Hey, has anyone seen Adrien?" Alya questioned.

"Nahh, his old man didn't let him out tonight. Real bummer, man." Nino said. I looked at Marinette and she looked down sadly. Alya whispered something to her and she made a small attempt at smiling. I wondered what it was with her about Adrien that she let her emotions show so much.

Every interaction I had with Adrien, which sadly wasn't a lot so far, I was met with Marinette closely watching or straining to hear what was being said. I figured maybe she's protective. Of me or Adrien, I wasn't sure.

It was 10 o'clock and we were all listening to the band play songs. It was an amazing night and I didn't want it to end. I got a phone call from an unknown number and excused myself off the boat to answer, but the call ended and I was left confused.

"It's dark out, m'lady. Shouldn't you be home instead of out here?" A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Cat Noir perched up on a tree. I smirked and turned, ready to leave.

"I was looking for a certain cat, but all I got was a lamer version of what I hoped for. And it's not 'm'lady' or whatever. It's Y/N to you." I joked. He looked hurt and jumped down from the tree.

"That hurts me, you know." He said clutching his chest and making the cutest pouting face. He then stood in front of me and grabbed my arm. I felt an instant shock of electricity course through my body that made me physically react. And although it was subtle, I know he did too.

"Oh, Y/N, why do you love hurting me?" He said leaning into me. I parted my lips and noticed the inches closing between us. A blush crept upon my face and I pushed him back quickly. I felt myself burning up. From anger?... Excitement?

We both felt the awkward tension and stood there a few steps apart.

"I should go." We said in unison. With a quick glance at him, I turned completely. Behind me I could hear him leave and say a faint,

"You idiot..!" I softly laughed. Why was it that a superhero like him was so interested in me? And why did we almost kiss?

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