Chapter 8: Proud of You

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**A/N: Hello! Thank you to those who are reading this story! I'm happy to share these with you and I hope I don't disappoint. :'))


Everything wasn't okay. Cat Noir and I were standing in the street, him holding me and I trying to find comfort in his hug. Ladybug's words had shook me to the core.

"I need to get back to Adrien.. He'll be so upset if he finds out I didn't listen. I'm such a horrible friend." I said into Cat Noir's chest. He pulled me off and grabbed my hands tight, staring me directly in the eyes.

"Y/N, you are not. You saved people today. I-," he paused. "If I were your friend Adrien, I'd tell you how proud of you I was." He placed a hand on my cheek and I shut my eyes calmly. He took a step back and cleared his throat.

"If I were him.. but I'm not." He said scratching his head. I smiled to myself and grabbed my hands nervously. Cat Noir looked at me, leaning down slightly, expecting a snarky comment. With all the courage I had, I planted a kiss directly on his cheek.

"Thanks, Kitty." I whispered. He was frozen, stuck in place and barely able to comprehend my actions. I giggled and began making my way to Adrien's house. I heard a quiet beeping, but no movement from the boy behind me. I smiled and didn't turn back.


Once I arrived back in Adrien's room, I saw him standing in the middle of it. He was beat red and it took a second to react to me walking in.

"Where were you?" He said walking over to me quickly, worried. I sighed and pointed out the window with my head down.

"I don't.. I'm not following." I looked at him and cleared my throat.

"I could not stay put. There were people in danger and I helped them. You left me alone, expecting me to do nothing. You ran off and I was worried about you!" I said strongly. He turned his face, but I saw the corner of his lips turn up.

"You're something else, Y/N. Reckless," He said taking a slow steps towards me. "Stubborn.. and most of all," He now stood in front of me. "A hero."

I looked up at him, surprised. He smiled softly and I smiled back. Quickly, I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him the biggest hug. He didn't hug back immediately, but when he did he pulled me close and hugged back tightly.

"Would you say you're.. proud of me?" I asked quietly into his neck, closing my eyes. I felt him rub my back.

"Yes, I am proud of you." He replied. My heart did a flip and I opened my eyes slowly. My eyes wandered over to the window and I saw a red and black polka dotted figure.

Ladybug shut her eyes tight and leapt out of sight. Adrien pulled away and looked down at me, not knowing who I saw.

"And even though I wasn't there to see it, I know you looked so cool doing it." He said shaking me happily. I laughed at the ground once he stopped shaking me. The sight of her really brought me down.

"Um..?" I couldn't bring myself to say it. Even if I did tell Adrien who I saw, it'd be pretty weird. "Nevermind."

"Why don't you stay for dinner? I doubt my dad will show up, so he won't mind if you're there." Adrien suggested.

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